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Royal Brix.

A prestigious academy known for the geniuses that it's produced over the past millennium. Every student that graduated from this establishment would get hired on the spot if news about them attending the school was made known to the employer. Though, as big as its benefits were, enrolling wasn't exactly the easiest bit. You'd have to be the crémé of the crop when it comes to academics to even try to get in there or be well heeled to enter its premises and land yourself a spot.

Fortunately for you, you were a part of the latter.

And unfortunately for you, you wouldn't even be able to revel in the luxuries since in a few days or so, you'd be six feet under the dirt.

It was never stated in the prologue who caused Ross' death, since she was only used to bring a start to the novel's story. What was just said was she was found near the school, just the very back of it, all bloody and maimed to the point that she was unrecognizable. It was even described that such act was done by someone who was devoid of a human heart since they were able to commit something without even showing the littlest bit of remorse. An investigation was carried out, yet as much as they searched every nooks and crannies for a lead, none were found, rendering the case closed after a few months.

And now that you were in her shoes, that was just extremely unfair.



You bit your nails as you waltzed around the campus since it was still your free time. As a first year, things weren't as hard as you thought it would be, and that, for one, brought you an advantage to try devise a plan to evade the clutches of death.

You had three classes that had the main characters in it, the first one was Maths with Yukio, the second one was Literature with Enki, and the third class was Music which was withㅡ

"Oh! I'm sorry! I wasn't watching where was I going!"


Speak of the devil and he shall come. And in your case, think.

"It's alright, I was lost in my thoughts as well." You flashed him a smile, trying to act as normal as you could without inciting suspicion that you had the very idea of what he was committing behind closed doors.

"Wait, you're my classmate in Music class, right? The girl who tripped on the first day... Y/n?" Props to him for remembering that day with such detail, wow. You would've liked that to be buried in your past, never spoken of once more, thank you very much. But with Kozan reiterating that embarrassing moment of yours again, and straight to your face might I add, it wasn't helping your case. Not in the very least.

"Haha, yeah." You dryly laughed. You just wanted to get out of here as soon as possible and you couldn't just walk past him since that would be extremely rude. You didn't want to be slain just like that but having rumours float around your name wasn't good either.

"If I may, I'll go now," you nodded in acknowledgement before finally leaving his sight, not even waiting to hear Kozan's reply. You released a breath you didn't know you were holding, and perhaps that was just the nerves of actually knowing who he was.


Kozan, a first year.

He was quite popular around the campus due to how charismatic and friendly he was. He'd help someone if they were in need and was kind even to those that didn't even deserve it. To put it all in summary, he was an angel.

Though Lucifer was one as well before he became the devil.

Everything was just a façade, a mask to hide who he truly was. A monster, a ruthless demon who murders for the thrill.

Yes, you heard that right.

He simply was too bored for his own good, so like any other person would, you'd expect him to just do what any kid around his age would.

Hah. Wrong.

He decided that butchering others would be enough to sate his thirst for fun. He loved the adrenaline of his weapon of choice stabbing through each and vital points of a human. The kick of trying to get away with it and hoping to not get caught, he relishes that kind of feeling.

So of course, avoiding him, as well as the others, at all costs would be your top priority.


You were inside the library, earphones stuck into your ears. You would've liked to hang out with a friend, but the thing was, you didn't have one. If in your past life you acted as a shut-in as much as you could because you loathed social interaction, now, you wanted to actually have someone by your side just so you could actually feel protected in a way.

"Y/n!" Yeah, everyone would be enough for you except for those slaughterers. The librarian shushed him because of his voice's loud volume.

"Oh, Yukio," you whispered, not wanting to get under the cataloger's skin

"What, why do you sound so disappointed to see me?" His bottom lip jutted out as he acted like he was crestfallen because of that, and thank the lords that he had the decency to quieten down his way of talking. 'Maybe because interacting with you could actually have me end up kicking the bucket way too early?' You thought as you upped the volume of the music to hopefully block his voice out.

You made sure that you were on a seat so close to the librarian that if anything were to happen, there'd be a witness. Well, unless this nutjob decided to take him on as well.

Yukio continued talking and talking but you couldn't care less. Honestly why was he even here? He could've bothered all other students as much as he liked and they'd still get a kick out of it.

Mayhaps making it be known that you didn't exactly like his presence was a bad idea. You could've unknowingly piqued his interest and fuck, why were you only realizing this now? But if you acted like those ladies that'll swoon at him, you couldn't guarantee your safety as well because he definitely hated those that he could charm with just his outward appearance.

Finally taking out an earbud because he was making it conspicuous that he wasn't planning to leave you anytime soon, you narrowed your eyes at him, "Yukio. I can't thank you more than enough for bringing me to the infirmary when I needed it most, but I thought our interaction ended there. Do you need something from me? Tell me, and if it's within my reach, there's a possibility that I can give it to you.

"To be honest, I don't need anything from you. Maybe I just wanted to annoy youㅡ or out of curiosity, have you answer a question that's been bugging me," he was whispering yet how could he get his voice to deepen like that?

You took off the other bud before focusing your attention on him, most likely the last time if things turned out to be in your favor for once. "Out."

"Why is is that you look at me in a way suggesting that you know everything about me, including my deepest secrets?"


The name of the character in the photo above: Kozan.

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