Ch. 47 - Medal Ceremony

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After hugging Rachel for a minute Cain finally took her hand and led her over to the seat where they waited for her scores.

"No matter what those scores say up there, you should be so proud of what you did. That was the best I've ever seen you skate," he said softly, holding her hands.

"Thank you Cain," she smiled, letting out a relieved exhale. "I'm just glad I finally got to do what I wanted to do at the first Olympics. I did my best and I've always wanted to know if my best was the best in the world, if it was good enough to win a Gold medal, so now we get to find out."

She squeezed his hand and closed her eyes as the scores popped up on the screen and the audience went wild with applause.

"I'm too scared to look," she said. "Can you tell me what it says?"

"It looks like the judges saw the same thing I saw. It was perfect," he whispered.

She opened her eyes and saw 6.0's across the board. Then her artistic scores came up and they were also 6.0's across the board. She was so overcome with emotion she lifted her hands up to her face and started to sob into them, her chest heaving as she fought to breath, gasping for air. Cain wrapped his arms around her and she clung to his chest as tears rolled down her face.

"You did it babe. You did it," Cain said, rocking back and forth as he held her and rubbed her arm. She couldn't believe it. It felt so surreal, almost like she was in a dream. 

She finally stood up and waved to the crowd with both hands, blowing them kisses as she walked off the stage. There were still a few more people to skate so they didn't know for sure yet if the gold medal was hers but her scores were going to be almost impossible to beat with her having such a high level of difficulty. 

When she got backstage her roommate Julia was about to go on. She was pacing the floor and talking to herself, shaking her hands with nerves.

Rachel walked over to her and took her hands and said, "Go out there and just enjoy being at the Olympics. You're here when thousands of others didn't make it. Don't let being super nervous ruin this amazing experience for you like it did for me last time. Just relax and get out there and have fun."

"You're right," Julia said, taking a deep breath in and letting it out before giving her a soft smile. "I don't want my nerves to ruin this whole experience for me. I'm just gonna try to relax and have fun. Thank you," she said, stepping forward and giving Rachel a hug.

"No problem," Rachel said patting her back with a smile.

Her and Cain went and sat on the couch in the lounge area with all the other skaters where there was a huge big screen TV that they could watch the other skaters perform and see the final scoreboard.

She watched as Julia skated out onto the ice with a huge smile on her face. Her upbeat music started and it was really fun and playful and she got the audience to their feet, clapping and some were even dancing along with her music. She was skating to the song uptown funk and she had a big smile on her face the whole time. She was very good at dancing.

She threw a triple jump followed by a double toe loop and landed them perfectly. The entire routine was so good and she looked like she was having a great time. When it was over she punched the air and started crying with happiness. It made Rachel smile to know that maybe her words had helped her.

"Whatever you said to her worked," Cain said with a smile.

"I just told her what I thought Coach would've told me," she said.

Julia was the last skater and when she went over to wait for her scores three people were sitting with her.

"This is it," Cain said. "This is where we find out if you got the Gold medal."

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