Chapter 34

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Asher’s P.O.V.
I see Alyne talking to Chris using the mindlink, so I use this chance to look around and calculate all the potential dangers, exit, and entry points because we would need that when we would kill the King and escape from here. But what I could see was a weak King trying to stand up straight while all his members were either knocked out or dead. My mate did a pretty good job here but it wasn’t as simple as it seemed. While on way here, dad had called to inform us that Peter was able to track down the Alpha of the Walter pack and also had a word with him regarding the King and he said that, “ The King was thrown out of the pack five years ago for misconduct that he did in the pack, he had killed the Alpha’s mother ten years ago when she was pregnant with the second child, so that the Alpha’s father (the former Alpha) wouldn’t be able to bear the pain of his mate dying and eventually he will also become weak and die, and then King could challenge all for the position and declare him as the Alpha but his perfect plan fails when the elder kid who was 13 years old back then had witnessed the whole the incident and went and told the elders about it, who passed a judgment as soon as the Alpha took his last breath that the pack would be under the rule of the elders until the firstborn wouldn’t turn 18. And when this happened the King couldn’t do anything but to wait for another chance but that never came as he was thrown out of the pack the moment the eldest kid took over as the new Alpha of the pack. And then while roaming around aimlessly as a rogue finding for a shelter he met an elderly who told him about a white wolf who was the warrior of the Moon Goddess with some extraordinary powers within her and how if he could find her and mate with her he would become the strongest werewolf alive on earth.”
And thus a person who could do so much just to gain an Alpha title won’t be unarmed with so few forces, he definitely had something ready for us so we had to be careful of every step we took. I mindlink Chris to bring him back on earth from his la-la land of finally meeting his mate because we had important matters to solve at hand, I ask him to divert the attention of the King so that I could go around the underground tunnel and have a look of what he was hiding, but before that, I also asked Alyne that, If she could hold herself for some more time and did she notice something weird around here? She said that she was fine and she did not notice anything weird but one person, that is a bulky guy who seemed to be the right hand of the King was missing. He was also the one who had kidnapped Alyne and brought her here on the orders of the King. I nod my head and ask Chris to start with his act while I escaped the scene to find that bulky guy.
Although before Chris could enact the King had pointed a gun with silver bullets towards Alyne and because both Chris and I were busy planning our next moves didn’t see what was the King up to, however before any of our reflexes could work, Chris’s mate launched forward and threw the gun from the King’s hand with a kick and the King slapped her in anger. She fell down on the floor with a thud but Alyne came to her rescue shouting, ‘Kiara why would you do that?’ but that helped me execute my plan because now I knew that neither Chris nor Grey was going to leave the King unharmed. And the moment Chris grabs the King’s collar and throws him a punch asking him that how did he hurt his mate, I sneaked out of there to look for the bulky guy and see what was he up to.
I move around the tunnel to find all the cells empty but suddenly I could hear some noises from far down the end of the tunnel and I follow to the noises to find out that there was a closed chamber where the bulky guy along with hundred of rogues were preparing themselves for a war. I quickly mindlink my pack warriors to get ready for the war, while I ran back to where Chris, Alyne, Kiara, and King were only to find that Chris and Kiara were trying hard to hold the King down while Alyne tried her best to stand up and use her powers again but I had to stop her from doing so, she was already weak, she couldn’t exhaust herself anymore, so I quickly mindlink Chris to move aside along with Kiara so that I could fire at the King with the Silver Gun and that is what what I did but I missed the aim and the bullet went and hit him on the stomach instead of his heart.
But that was enough to do the damage, for now, It was any minute now before the bulky guy and the army came out to attack us, we had to get out of here to have the support of our warrior as well. So I take this as an opportunity to tell Chris that he needs to move out of the tunnel along with Kiara while I move out with Alyne because the King was ready to attack with an army and to win this battle we would need the help of our warriors as well.

Here it is!!! New Chapter. Sorry for the late update. Hope you all will continue supporting me and my book with all your heart. Happy Reading 💜

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