Chapter 31

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Asher’s P.O.V.
It was almost close to midnight meaning more than 8 hours have been passed since my Alyne was kidnapped and I was still here waiting for my dad to arrive before we went to search Alyne as he said that he had some important information to share as well as give me something which will help me fight the King. And I had no option but to patiently wait for my father because I knew that if someone who could help me win against the King was my dad.
It’s been 20 minutes since we were waiting for my dad when suddenly an eagle came family and sat on my shoulder when Chris noticed that a note was tied to his leg, he quickly untied the note and the eagle flew back again to where he came from. Chris then opened the note and read out loud, ‘My dear Alpha Asher don’t you think it is taking a lot of time for you to come to find your Alyne. Well, good for me though because then I can do the deed of consummating with Alyne so that she can give birth to my pups and I become the most powerful werewolf alive in the world. And Good Luck to you in finding your Alyne.” – xxx King.
I was fuming by the time Chris finished reading the note sent by the King. I just wanted to kill him and bring back home my Alyne. Chris was also very angry wanted to rip off that bastard King’s neck for kidnapping his baby sister, whom he loved the most in this world but other than this feeling I could see something else in his eyes which I couldn’t exactly decipher but it was the reason why he was trying very hard to calm his angry wolf, Grey. But before I could ask him what was the matter, dad arrives with Roger, both of them were out of breath as if ran a marathon.
I not wanting to waste any more time than we already did, I quickly ask my dad what information did he get about the King from the elders and what it is that he wanted to give me? He answers, “The King is much more than what he seems, he is a power-hungry monger and to gain the position of power he can go to any extents. Elders say that he was thrown out of his pack, ‘The Walter Pack’ five years ago for something horrendous he had done by their new Alpha Josh. Although they were not very clear of what crime he had committed so we tried contacting Alpha Josh but he did not answer, so now Peter is already on his way to the Walter Pack to talk to Alpha Josh and know the whole story. And when the elders heard about what the King had done they asked me to give you the ‘Silver Gun’ which is made from the blessings of all the elders and the Moon Goddess, to kill evils like the King. So here you go. And now you all shall leave and bring back home our daughter and don’t worry about the situation here, Roger, Alex and I will manage. Good luck my son.”
After taking the ‘Silver Gun’, Chris and I along with the best warriors of our pack go in search of Alyne. We were following the path that Alyne had told Chris while she was kidnapped meaning it was somewhere near our territory but we were unable to see and find it. We were now running towards the south exit of our territory and soon we were out deep into the woods and in an area which belonged to no pack, meaning anyone can come and go as they please. So if the King was hiding somewhere then this would be the perfect place for it. And because the place was huge, it would difficult to find him if we did not part ways, thus we decided to go in two different directions and whoever finds the King’s hiding place first shall let the other one know.
We part ways, I go to the right while Chris goes to the left along with some of our warriors each. I have been trying to sniff the area to find Alyne’s scent but I’m unable to find anything maybe because it has already been more than 10 hours now since she was kidnapped. I was disappointed but then I suddenly decide to mindlink Alyne, I don’t know why but I thought of giving it a try. But I was yet again met with disappointment. I did not know what to do anymore but suddenly I could hear Chris calling my name, I ask him what is the matter and he asks me to come over towards the west of where I was currently standing, so I run in that direction and a few minutes later, I find Chris kneeling down on the ground looking at something. I quickly run towards him to see that he was holding Alyne’s watch which was now broken into pieces. I swiftly take the watch from his hand and take a closer look but before I could examine it properly Chris holds my wrist and says, ‘Asher, I’m sure that Alyne is somewhere around here, and along with her I can smell another scent which makes my wolf go crazy but I am unable to pinpoint anything. You should try taking a whiff of Alyne’s scent. We shall be able to find some clue for sure.’
So I consider Chris’s opinion and take a whiff of the surrounding air and this time I could a very faint smell of Alyne. Rey got excited smelling Alyne so I let him take over as we can use the best of our potentials when we are in our wolf form. Ray also tries contacting Irene but he was unable to, maybe because Alyne was injected with wolf’s bane and her wolf was weak till now. But anyway Ray and I decided to follow  Alyne’s scent to see where it took us. Fifteen minutes later we came to a dead-end where there was nothing around us except a few rocks. Chris and I were irritated by now because it seemed whatever clues we got only bought us to dead-ends. And in frustration, I kicked a black weird-looking rock beside me, which hit the cylindrical rock standing erect in between an open space. And the moment the black rock hit the cylindrical rock there was a crack on the ground within the five inches radius around the cylindrical pillar and certainly, there was an opening with the stairs leading downwards.

So here it is!!! Happy Reading 📚 Also you may get a surprise soon, so keep your fingers crossed 🤭

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