Chapter 32

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So here it is. Your surprise!!! Yess two chapters back to back. Hope you all will enjoy reading. It is just going to turn more interesting💜

I was eagerly waiting with Kiara for a chance to escape this hell and burn down the King so that he would know who he messed up with. Right, I forgot to tell you all that Kiara is the girl who was sharing the prison cell with me. And as for our escape plan, it seems impossible for me to find an opportunity to do so because the King has increased the security around the cells after I gave him a taste of my medicine in the evening. And while I was busy pacing around in the cell thinking about an escape plan Kiara asked me to look out, I was confused as to why she was asking me to look out at the corridor but that’s when I noticed it. Most of the guards were sleepy and were trying hard not to doze off, however, it was past midnight and I was sure that they were going to doze off soon.
And exactly that is what happened and all the guards dozed off to sleep tired of guarding the cell 24/7. Also, I found that the key of our cell hanging down the pocket of the guard standing in front of our cell. Although before we could escape out of this place, we needed a full-proof plan to make it a success. So I quickly explained to Kiara the escape route and the plan, ‘I told her that she had to act out as if she was in severe pain because of the wolf’s bane injected into her to divert the guard's attention towards her while I go and free the other prisoners.’ However, Kiara seems to be a bit hesitant about the plan working but eventually gives in and before Kiara started with her act of being in pain, I quickly snatch away the keys dangling from the guards pocket so that even if he tried to lock us in he won't be able to.
Kiara then starts with her play and her cries of pain woke the guards up. The guard standing outside our cell asked with a grumpy face that what was the matter and what was Kiara shouting for? I made a sad face tell him that she is in severe pain and should be taken to a werewolf doctor right away otherwise she might even die. Listening to this the grumpy face rolled his eyes and said, ‘ Whatever, anyways its better that way. One less person to guard. Good for us.’ His statement made my anger boil but I tried acting cool only because I had an escape plan to execute. I tell the guard even though it is good for him if Kiara dies but his boss King won't be happy about the fact. And like the stupid person he was, he bought my story and went to call the werewolf doctor. I was happy with the outcome, so Kiara and I grabbed the chance and to get out of our prison cell. Along with the 13 guards, there were some extra new guards placed around the prison for higher security and I had to knock them dead, in order to release everyone else locked up and make a safe escape out.
I ask Kiara to stay behind me while I knock out the guards and also ask her to open the other prison doors so that everyone could run away. She bobbles her head up and down understanding whatever I said. I quickly scan the place to see the position of the guards and one good thing was all f them already dozing off so it would be easier to knock them off without making much noise. And so I decided to start from my left because the person was a bulky guy who had made his muscles I don’t know eating what but he was strong, so it was better if started with him and then later moved on to the weaker ones.
I quietly tiptoe towards the guy and go and stand behind him, I slightly tap on his shoulder and the moment he turns around I throw a punch straight on his nose. He holds his bleeding nose tightly and gives me a murderous glance, but I take it as a chance to kick him on his stomach and while he falls down on the ground from the impact of the punch, I snap his neck to kill him. Before moving forward, I look back to see if Kiara was following me but found her standing in place shocked at what she had seen earlier. I felt bad for her but we did not have any other option but to move forward, so I drag her along with me while I also kept on killing and severely injuring the King’s men.
Twenty-five minutes later Kiara, I, and the other prisoners were successful in reaching the exit /entrance of this hell hole, we now just had to climb the steps and we would escape. However bad luck seems to be on our side today when we saw the King along with his four men standing at the entrance. Seeing me along with others on my escape from his hell the King says, ‘ A total badass, never listens to commands, well I like it because this is how a King’s Queen should be. But it surely doesn’t mean that you won’t be punished for what you are trying to do. Guards hold her and take her  back with us.’
The moment the guards start moving forward, I take my fighting stance ready to knock them out but Kiara holds my hand to stop me but instead, I ask her to act the werewolf she is: Brave and courageous and this seemed to bring her out of her fear so she gets ready to fight beside me. Before the four men could pounce on us I tackled two of them to the ground with my hard punch whereas Kiara managed to knock out the other two guys but we were still far away from the victory because one of the guys whom I had punched me back in the gut. I stumbled back but somehow managed to not fall on the ground, I felt weak because of the wolf’s bane, and secondly, I was over-exhausting myself by using my powers but I had no other options.
The King was furious looking at his men knocked out, so he came forward to choke me but I release a fireball at him which strikes him right on the chest, so he was thrown off-guard and almost fell on the ground but it was not only him who was impacted by the exhibition of my force, even I lost my balance and couldn’t stand straight. Although Kiara came to my rescue it was now becoming difficult for me to stay wide awake.

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