Awaiting Your Knock

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A knock came to my door.

"Damn," I muttered, knee deep in cookie dough, planning to make a batch of choc chip ones.

I picked up the bowl, and continued mixing to ensure the even distribution of chips, placing it on my hip to answer the door, "Yes?"

When no answer came, I looked forward. No one was there, but there was a cardboard box on the floor, in front of my feet. Bending down I recognised the smell and packaging, however Vince's door was closed and no sound came from inside. Heading back into my apartment with the cookie dough and pizza I placed both down on the counter. Taking a breath, I opened the box to find a love heart shaped pizza with the words 'I Broke My Promise and fell for my FWB' written in tomato paste on the inside.

My shoulders slunk down, and I could feel myself welling up. The promise had been not to fall in love, and I must admit I had broken it too. As I sat there at the kitchen bench, shoving in pizza, my anger seemed to melt away and all I felt was happiness. Pure unabashed happiness, an amazing feeling only cheesy mozzarella can do. I was drinking straight from the wine bottle I had opened earlier, a ritual I often had when baking myself choc chip cookies, when another knock came to my door. Wandering over to the door this time when I opened it there stood Vince, in all his godly glory, his hands dusted with flour from making me the pizza.

"Hey neighbour," he searched for a response. "You got my message. I won't bother you anymore Hannah," he smiled and turned to go back to his apartment.

This time when I started to well up, I let it happen, a tear falling down my cheek, "I've missed you."

I anticipated his response which touched me deeply when he softly answered, "I was only ever a knock away."

I stayed quiet, looking down. As tears ran down my cheek, I extended my hand knocking on my door, which was half open having let him out.

Vince turned, hope restoring to his face since I'd made those three knocks.

"Bella, I love you, although you drive me insane," he lifted me up and spun me around in the hallway, between the two of our apartments.

I giggled, overjoyed to be finally in his arms, for real this time.

"I love you too," I kissed him as he slid me down his body.

I jumped up once again into his arms, "Do you want to come in? Or does that break a rule?" I winked.

Vince picked me up, wrapping my legs over his hips, whispering as he bit my neck softly, "I've got a new proposal. It hinges around the idea of one rule only." He locked the door behind us, threw me onto the couch and stood there with a growing smirk, "New rule: I'm yours and you're mine."

The End

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