My Handyman

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"Bloody hell!" I stood below my leaking ceiling.

Towels down I was standing beside the window like Spiderman one leg up on the lounges backing and another on the arm of the chair, a crack running from the gutter to around a foot into the apartment.

I'd spent most of the morning drying up the mess, cursing, cold and wet. Outside it was a truly dismal day, a day which would have been quite charming for customers in my bakery with my old-fashioned wooden tables, chairs and sprinkled window front. How I missed it, the atmosphere, the creativity, and the fresh smell of bread every morning.

"Right!" I threw the towel, heading for the laundry to seek more or anything which might stop the leaking.

Closing the door behind me in a rush, I turned and collided with something. The stranger caught me before I could do much damage, his hands under my arms as if I were a weak, wet handkerchief.

"Vince!" I came across the familiar face.

Vince smiled, releasing me slowly, "Don't tell me you've been singing in the rain?"

"I don't sing," I wasn't really in the mood for our usual banter.

Wearing a white pyjama shirt which was wet and slightly see through, I crossed my arms over myself, feeling slightly embarrassed.

"You should have just knocked," Vince inspected the leak.

I knew he was right, but I didn't want to rely on him for everything.

"I'm really grateful Vince but honestly I can do this myself," I was angry, not at him, mainly at myself. I was trying valiantly to push all emotions aside but failing.

"I'm not doubting your ability, but help is usually... helpful," he rested on the ladder, stretching up to push the putty into the top of the ceiling.

Just when I was about to debate, I heard the faint sound of the oven buzzing, "No!" I sprinted to the kitchen.

Flinging open the oven door the unfortunately well-known smell of burnt baking mix made my shoulders drop.

"No, no, no!" I pulled the tray out with my glove and tossed it on the bench, the gingerbread biscuits black and ashy.

"All right," Vince came in, clapping his hands. "No more leak, you may thank me..." he stopped speaking when he noticed I was in no laughing mood.

"These were for a family, they ordered them for this afternoon," I was defeated standing over my failure.

While I'd been happy with my new online business flourishing, with daily orders I found I was easily distracted when at home compared to being in my bakery. I'd been surprised so many people wanted my treats. I suppose it reminded them of time outside lockdown and offered a little sweetness in their days.

Without a second beat, I watched as Vince rolled up his sleeves, washed his hands and went to the cupboard, starting to pull out flour and other baking ingredients.

"What are you doing?" I stood over my burnt tray of treats.

"Well, you're going to teach me how to make gingerbread," Vince pulled out the ginger. "Although I've always been terrible with icing, so I'll allow you the honours when we're up to that bit."

I couldn't help but accept his offer, he'd given me a hype speech when I'd most needed it, not to mention he'd fixed the leak in my window.

"But don't you have to make pizza's, it's getting late?" Vince had also been receiving a good number of orders, the constant smell of tomatoes and herbs making my mouth water.

Vince threw the tea towel over his shoulder, "Well I'll help you, and maybe you can help me later with a Hawaiian pizza?"

His suggestion was acceptable, "Hawaiian, please, give me a challenge."

"I can think of a few challenges," he came forward, closer to me and I dipped my finger in the icing mix I had created.

Before he was able to kiss me, I shoved my finger in his mouth and he got a taste of vanilla icing.

"No funny business, we've got our actual businesses to worry about now," I licked the remaining icing from my finger.

"Yummy," Vince scoffed.

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