Shower Steam

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"There's a problem with the hot water here too." I turned the polished silver handle, and icy water shot out, giving me an unwanted mist. "Takes so long you may as well start a fire beneath a pot and have a bath."

"Good to know," Vince stood behind me, leaning against the white marble bathroom counter, his arms crossed showing his well-developed biceps.

I bit my lip. I'd never had such a handsome guy in my apartment before, and I was blushing since I hadn't had time to prepare for such a visit. My toothpaste was squashed, empty toilet rolls littered the floor, and a pile up of towels gathered near the door, since I had been too lazy to wash them.

"Ok," I beamed exhaling to slide out from the close confines. "I'll leave you to it."

"Hold on," Vince's hand gently stopped me.

I turned, his touch melting me, his hands slightly rough, like mine as cooking often did that to you over time.

He released his grip with a kind smile, sitting up on the counter to lower himself to my level, "Since we have a while, why don't I get to know you?"

He was right, the shower was going to take a good long while to heat up, so I stayed as instructed.

"Hate to be a cliché, but there's really not much to know," I shrugged. "I'm a bore."

"Your first lie to me," he shook his head. "I may not know much about you Hannah, but I do know you are not boring."

He was good.

"Ok." I stretched, the faint sound of the water running from the shower clouding the room, the rectangular, plain, mirror covered in condensation. "I grew up here, in Australia. My grandmother taught me how to bake and trust me if you like the smell of my croissants then you would kill for her scones. The secret ingredient is lemonade," I tapped my nose, and he pulled a funny, surprised face.

His shoulders seemed relaxed, and for the first time in months I was opening myself up and sharing fond memories from my childhood. Oddly, mentioning the past was refreshing. I'd been living out of home for the past two years, having moved out at twenty and now I was just remembering what it felt like to have someone to detox with at night.

"Any boyfriends I better watch out for, other guys you are sneaking into your apartment? Wouldn't want them getting the wrong idea when I'm singing rubber ducky in your shower." He peered around as if he'd find someone, his full eyebrows raised.

I shook my head, a little too quickly, "No, no, no."

"Ok, so that's a no," Vince laughed.

I decided that was my cue to leave. "Yes." I walked out.

Realising I hadn't given him a towel, I grabbed one from the closet and headed back to the bathroom, believing he'd still be waiting for the water, "Hey, Vince, here's a... Omg!" I slapped my face, trying to hide my eyes, peaking a little. "I'm sorry I thought you were still..." I started to get frantic, "I'll leave, sorry!"

I spotted Vince's smirk in the mirror as I started to leave.

When I was a step out the door Vince's voice sounded, "Hey Hannah?"

I tensed up, "Yeah?"


"Oh yeah," I threw it into the room, and he caught it laughing as I slammed the door, garnering one last glimpse at his muscular abs.

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