The Proposal

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"Come sei bella," the soft, masculine voice crooned.

"My name is Hannah, not Bella." My eyes flashed open, and I quickly wiped the sides of my mouth, having embarrassingly drooled. In movies they always show the morning after as a love fest of soft sheets and the girl's makeup still perfectly in place. I quickly corrected my position in bed, which had been belly down and legs spread.

"I know that. I just said, 'How beautiful you look.' Bella is Italian for beautiful, not another girl's name." Vince chuckled, walking forward from the doorway of his bedroom, which had grey curtain on the left wall and a tall black cupboard opposite.

"Oh," sitting up, I held Vince's silky sheets to my chest, my hair loose down to my shoulders.

Vince held a tray of danishes, coming to sit on the bed, before placing them down between us.

"You cooked?" I was surprised since danishes require a different technique to pizza dough, which was his speciality.

Vince tucked a piece of my hair behind my ear, before laughing, "No, I've become rather skilled at ordering Uber Eats."

I peered down at the tray of assorted danishes, picking up the custard and blueberry one which was always my favourite flavour. He went for the apple, its cinnamon and sugared crisp glaze also appealing.

"At least some businesses are still running," I missed my quaint little bakery and the customers who always seemed so happy when leaving with one of my treats.

Vince pulled up his phone, showing me a website. "They went online, not a bad idea actually, I think I'll do it myself."

"Make pizza's here?" I was interested in his proposition.

"I could bang out quite a few," he finished his last bite of danish. "Just bulk order the ingredients and get the company to deliver them."

"I was thinking the same thing, I really could bake from my apartment too."

"Alright, we can help each other, I'll make the websites if you keep making those delicious croissants," Vince peered at me, looking handsome as ever, in grey boxers.

I nodded, "Deal. Are we really going to do this?"

After a moment of us both smiling towards each other, I pushed the danishes out of the way and jumped on top of him. We returned to passionate kissing under the covers I'd brought with me over to his side of the bed.

Lying down I exhaled, as Vince did the same, putting his arms behind his head.

"This is nice," I laughed, full of pure happiness. It'd been a long time since I'd been in a guy's bed, let alone a gorgeous, sexy chef.

"Yeah," Vince sighed. "I've definitely missed that."

In a moment of either pure sanity or deep insanity I decided to do something rash, turning to him, resting on my elbow. "We could do this," I strummed my fingers, trying not to fidget.

"I think we just did," Vince threw a pair of track pants on, getting out of bed.

I shook my head at his joke, sitting up as he put his pants on, "I mean we could make a proposal. Be each other play friends while in lockdown."

Vince fell over, his leg getting caught in his track pants.

"Calm down," I rushed to the edge of the bed, leaning over to see him scoffing on the floor.

Laying there, still half naked he raised an eyebrow, "Are you sure?"

"I'm positive," I bit my lip.

"Yes," he said a little too quick getting up. "I mean yeah, I'd be ok with that."

I smirked since he'd become the bashful one for a moment.

Then the organising side of my brain took charge and I clapped, "Now for the rules."

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