{Chapter 70} Q&A 😏😏😏😏😏

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Okay well yes, chapter 69 was traumatizing so let's finally be innocent for once 🤩😍🤩


Question 1.
Does making your own subliminals work better?

- Well honestly, in my opinion it doesn't, but it's fun to do.
You want to believe the fact that you're getting your desired results, that works even if the subliminals you use aren't made by yourself!


Question 2.
Do you ever shift to any other places than Hogwarts?

- Well I've shifted to Billie Eilish a couple of times, but no, I haven't shifted to anything else yet.


Question 3.
Around how many times do you think that you've shifted?

Please, I'm so stupid but I just don't know😭😭😭


Question 4.
Can you shift to the past/future?

- Well you probably can shift to the past, but the future can always turn out to be different, so I have no idea?
Seems fun to try tho ngl 😏


Question 5.
Can you be a different species?

- Well almost anything is possible in your desired reality, so I think that this could work?


Question 6.
Can I script things about my clone that are different from me?

- It worked for me, so yes I think that it should work fine (once I shifted and I came back to find out my history homework was finished, like wow😳-)


Question 7.
What time equivalents work the best?

- Anything you want, I've seen many people do "10 minutes in my original reality are 6 months in my desired reality".
Don't be dumb like me and do "1 minute in my original reality is 1 year in my desired reality".
Just don't, it's not good😭✋


Question 8.
Is it safe to script a love interest?

- Ofc, why wouldn't it be?
If you want it, script it, you do you 👌


Question 9.
What method for shifting is the best, in your opinion?

- Julia method or the Estelle method!
Julia method is pretty easy and the Estelle method is fun to use, I've lately only used these because I enjoy using these so.freaking.much.


Question 10.
How are you?

- No idea, what about you?


Question 11.
How many places have you shifted to?

- Just 2😭
I know I'm boring


Question 12.
What does your lifa app look like (if you have one)?

- HAHA I don't have it.


Question 13.
Among the people you've seen on wp, who is likely to die because of something stupid?

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