{Chapter 30} Motivation to shift!

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- Imagine how happy and relieved you are about to feel when you finally successfully shift (again)!

- You can shift, oh, you don't feel that motivated like when you just found out about shifting?
But guess what?
I didn't give up, and look at me now, bitch I have shifted multiple times.
So be that badass and go to your desired reality!

- Shifting is EASY, I didn't believe it either the first few weeks, but once I did it, sis, THAT SHIT IS SO EASY, IDK HOW I MANAGED TO THINK THAT IT WAS HARD ASF

- You're a baddie, you're a hottie, you're a master shifter, you're smart, you can do this. You can shift. Trust me. Ily

- Water isn't necessary, but just IMAGINE, you wanna be hydrated? Wanna feel like that badass hydrated bitch? Yeah, just drink it my love.

- You think that cleaning up your room is too difficult? S A M E.
But try cleaning 1 thing in your room.
Maybe your desk, or your closet, maybe it's even just your pile of clothes, it's gonna make you feel like such a baddie.
And guess what? BADDIES CAN SHIFT!
Even if you don't feel like a baddie, you are a baddie.


SHIFTING ~ STORIES+TIPSOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz