{Chapter 56} My experiences with 10 different methods🤑

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{1. Alice in wonderland method👌}

Okay so YES I shifted with this 1, but you need to visualize much, like very much, so if it's hard for you to visualize I recommend to not use it.

So I haven't been meditating recently because I don't feel like doing it.

I just laid down on my back and got into a comfy position (chapter 13 if I'm correct) and began visualizing that I was sitting underneath a tree.

I tried to focus on every single detail there (feeling the grass and that shit) and when I felt focused enough I imagined luna looking at me, signing with her eyes for me to follow her when she ran away.
Her hair was like ⬆️↗️➡️↘️⬇️↙️⬅️↖️

Once we stopped we were still on the grass, I was EXHAUSTED.
She hopped into this rabbit hole and I did the same bc yes.
I focused on the feeling of falling and falling..🕳️💨
Not thinking of my dr anymore, acknowledging my doubts and explaining to myself why I can shift and why my doubts aren't true.
Once I felt detached from the reality where I'm now writing this shit I stopped falling, hit the ground, looked at Luna who was standing next to a beautiful dark wooden door.

She asked me if I was ready to go and I was like "bitch yes bye"

I walked into the door, ended up in the room from my desired reality, "fell asleep" here and poof shifted!


1. I felt a heavy weight fly off of my chess, very relaxed and calm.
2. Dizzy af
3. My eyes were twitching
4. I felt the bed from my desired reality
5. I smelled a fireplace (I scripted that I would smell that shit)
6. This always happens, even if I don't shift but my arms always go numb in 2 seconds.
Sadly this affects me 24/7, even on school my arms will go numb when I don't move them for like 5 seconds like bitch what😭😭😭


{2. Julia method😍}

I always use this AHEHHSHS
And yes I also shifted with this 1.

Anyways, I just lay down, blah blah blah

I repeat "I am" (not out loud) until I feel symptoms.
When I felt as if the room around me was spinning I just described myself from my desired reality (my name, friends, family, relationship, grade, age, fav colour, etc.)

I used this as an asleep method although it's known for being an awake method-🤑🤑🤑

You can script that your eyes automatically open once you shifted and repeat affirmations and then your eyes should open once you're there.


You can repeat those affirmations and fall asleep like me (+wake up in your desired reality).


1. Dizzy af
2. Floating
3. Headache
4. Heard voices
5. Numb as always


{3. Pillow method🤢}

Y'all know how much I hate this method, it doesn't do any fucking thing!!!!
Yes I didn't shift with this.🤡

I wrote my script on a paper, put it underneath my pillow and repeated affirmations and fell asleep.


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