Mini chapter

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Little story time bc why not

Tom and I were sitting next to each other in class, and I started laughing because Ron spilled his cup of water (it was hot af and we were allowed to take some water with us).
Ron wasn't pleased to see me laughing at him, so after class he was looking at me and he grinned, I was confused but I didn't give a fuck and I walked to the great hall because lunch.

Tom was searching me and he forced me to follow him, like he could have asked but he didn't, he just 🤬🤬🤬
Tom looked so mad at me?!?!

I asked what the problem was and he said "you are the problem"
I was like "what"
He said that if I wanted to stay friends with him (I corrected him and said "you mean besties") I should stop trying to ruin his reputation.
Bitch I was MAD

I yelled at him to shut up and that I didn't need him because everyone would die to be my friend.🤬🤬🤬🤬
He then yelled at me that I should shut up because I was the one who would look like a crazy pure blood (they think that you're weird when you laugh 24/7 even when it's not funny at all, which is what I do).

I asked him why he was even doing this and he said bc Ron asked him to do so, I also asked him why he accepted that and he said that Ron would give him the homework answers (Ron gets the answers from Hermione ofc).

I ran to the great hall and asked Ron for some homework answers, and he was like "if you leave me alone for a week I'll give it to you after our last class."
Well I wanted it so I accepted LWJEHEHWJHE

But Severus (Professor Snape for the people who don't know his first name😔😔) still gave me, Ron, Tom and Hermione detention bc we all had the exact same answers.
Well fuck

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