Chapter 37

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2 weeks later

Overhill, Cali

"6 WEEKS?" Sincere screamed

I just told him that we couldn't have sex until my 6 weeks is up

"I'm sorry but i just pushed 2 big headed kids out my vagina. Can't you wait?" 

"Yeah" he said while grabbing the lotion and walking to the bathroom

I quickly exited and went downstairs to fix some bottles. I refuse to breastfeed because i heard that it hurts. Right now its 2 o'clock and they just woke up from their nap, so once i finished making their bottles i placed them in the warmer

Then i went back upstairs to their room to see them moving around in their crib

"Hi mama babies" I said picking them up and kissing them

I took them to our room and layed them down cause i need to get their clothes together

"Sin, can you watch them while i get their clothes and stuff?" I asked

"Yal goin somewhere?" he asked turning to me

"Yeah, my mom wants them" 

"Igh, just sit them down and get everything ready"

I placed Saniyah gently on the bed and gave Salim to Sin. I then went back to their rooms to get them packed. I got them both nice diaper bags, the ones that would be used for a while. 

Once i was finished with them i went back in the room to see Sincere playin with both of them. 


I grabbed Salim. "Bye lil nigga"

"Stop calling him that" I said mugging Sincere

"Shhh, he my lil nigga" he said mushing my head

I rolled my eyes and kissed Salim on the cheek, "I love you stinkk"

Sin grabbed Niyah and we left out the room going downstairs so we could get them settled in the car.

"I don't want them to leave" I said getting in the car after strapping them up

"They gotta spend time with their grandparents" He said pushing start on the car

"Yeah i know. Imma miss them alot" I said looking out the window




"My babies" My mama said taking Salim and Saniyah out our hands into the house

We went in and Kai ran up to me and gave me a hug, "Lai i'm so sorr i wasn't their when you gave birth"

"Its okay, you had your school trip that night" I said 

She nodded and went over to the twins, "Names?"

"Salim Adonis Dashama and Saniyah Tiara Dashama" I said smiling


The next day

San Diego, Cali

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