Chapter 35

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The following afternoon

Los Angeles, Cali

I got woken up by the smell of donuts. I opened my eyes and saw Sincere sitting in the corner smacking on Krispy Kreme's..ugh

My mind went to my uneaten cereal..mmcht. Dr. Cuomo told me that i couldn't eat anything until after the twins were born.

And right now to see him eating, it bothers me. I'm hungry as hell

Once he looked and saw that i was awake he smirked

"You missed me?" he asked and i nodded

He got up and gave me a hug and a kiss

"How was the club?" I asked sitting up cause the ugly ass nurse put me in a uncomfortable position from giving me my epidural 

"It was ight" 

"Oh ok" I said closing my eyes cause i'm sleepy. Well not sleepy just drowsy

He tapped me and sat on the bed, "My fault. For not being there when your water broke"

"Its not your fault. I told you to  enjoy yourself and i meant it" I said cupping y hands on his face

"You hungry?" he asked 

"Mmcht..oh my gosh" I said irritated at just the thought of food knowing i can't eat

"Wha wrong wih you?" he asked

"Dr. Cuomo said i can't eat until after your kids are born" I said turning on my side

"So they jus my kids?" he asked

"For now yeah" 

"Thug it out guh" he said laying on me

A knock came from the door and he got up to open it and everyone came in. And when i said everybody..i mean Brooklyn, Vante, Zeke, Seb, Raj and me and Sin's families

Hollup cause all these black people...ain finna be no air to breathe with

You know when a lot of black people gets together, it gets loud. Especially with my daddy and  his loud ass mouth

"Ma, can you hand me my phone and airpods?" I asked her

"Yeah hollon" she said getting up i'm guessing to look for them. When she found them she gave them to me 

"Thank you" I said 

"You welcome baby"

Once everybody calmed down a little i heard the twin's heartbeats echoing throughout the room. It's so beautiful 

I started to have some small contractions. This shit hurt like a bitch so i know this finna be a long ass labor

My daddy came up to me and stood over me, staring at me


"You know them babies gon be big headed righ?" He said laughing

"No they not, shut up" I said laughing with him

"Wanna bet?" he said pulling out money

"Sorry but im broke....bankrupt uglyahhh"

"Ain never broke as long as im roun...want sum tah eat?" he sais

"Bruh..what the fuck" i said whining

"Is you is or ain't?" he asked moving his hands around

"Docta said i can't eat" i said tired of repeating the shit

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