Chapter 45

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"Who pissed in your cheerios?" Zeena commented on my foul mood as I glared down at the melted ice cream the school had provided and I hadn't been tempted to touch. I had absolutely no appetite, as had become my norm since loosing Amber.

"Zeena! Your language!" Now that she was no longer cowering behind me, Soza had finally found her voice. Much to Zeena's annoyance as she tended to chide her for her unladylike ways.

Zeena rolled her eyes in exasperation. "Oh Barbie, you're going to have to grow some thicker skin, or we might have to get you some ear muffs."

"Yeah, I'm afraid Zee's language only goes down from here." Traz chimed in from his spot on the opposite side of the cafeteria table. Like me, his eyes were glued on a far table. "You'll get used to it."

"Why do they keep calling me Barbie?" Sooza asked me in a hushed whisper.

"They think you look like a doll." I replied distractedly as Traz suddenly stood from the table.

"Where are you going?" I stood as well. I had been watching him watch Lindsey for weeks. Now as soon as she got up to leave so did Traz. Something was going on and I didn't like it.

"Didn't know I answered to you." Traz started for the entrance without an explanation. So naturally I followed, catching up to him right at the cafeteria doors.

"She's human Traz, you can't be messing with her." I called to his back, pissed at the disrespect he was showing towards me. But that was Traz for you. I knew one day I would have to put him in his place. But that day wasn't today, while we were stuck in a building with a bunch of humans.

My words did get Traz to pause, his shoulder bunching. "So you telling me your not going to be 'messing' with another human." He nodded his head in the direction of someone behind me. I didn't have to turn to know it was Amber. Still my eyes couldn't resist looking.

Finally, she was getting up. I could attempt a second time to get to her.

"Exactly what I thought." Traz mocked me, easily reading the look on my face. "I'll leave my human alone as soon as you drop yours."

"You better not just be playing her." Traz was considered a playboy, at least by Zionian standards. He had never hoped or waited for a mate, taking full advantage of some of the girls who had fallen for his bad boy image.

I actually liked Lindsey. I respected how she was loyal to Amber and she had been there for her when I couldn't be. I didn't want to see Traz hurting her.

Traz didn't reply and I didn't stick around to wait for empty promises from him. Amber was already slipping out a side door. I had a feeling I knew where she was heading, but I couldn't chance losing her again.

Once I was out of the cafeteria and away from human eyes, I slipped into ghost mode. It wasn't necessary, but I could follow her faster if I didn't have to worry about anyone seeing me and questioning why i wasn't in the cafeteria with everyone else.

Silently, I stalked Amber as she navigated the same snaking hallways that I had followed her down earlier. This time I didn't make the mistake of stopping her before she reached her destination. 

Just as I had known she would, she entered the gym and made a beeline across the basketball courts to the double doors of the indoor pool. Like a Zionian, my girl was most at home when near the water.

The doors to the pool room clanged loudly when they shut behind me and Amber tensed from her spot standing on the other side. Still I stayed invisible as I slowly stalked closer and closer.

I couldn't let her get away this time. I needed to have her listen to me.

Her large blue eyes danced around the room. Like prey scenting a predator but not able to spot it. Not until it's too late to escape.

"I know your here." She called out, her voice echoing around the room. "You can just turn your invisible ass right around, I have nothing to say to you."

"Little liar." I spoke directly behind her. She jumped, letting out a small scream as she turned to face me just as I allowed myself to become visible again. "Deep down you want to talk with me, otherwise you wouldn't have wandered off alone again."

"You are so frustrating." She turned her back to me but made no move to leave as she looked out over the pool room. "This is my hide out, you'll have to go find another."

I moved so I was between the pool and her. It put me dangerously close to the edge, but at least now I could see her face.

It took everything in me not to reach out and touch her. To not pull her to me. It was literally all I dreamed about. But I couldn't, not yet. I needed to explain everything to her first. Make sure she knew that I was choosing her.

"I believe I'll stay." I looked her up and down. "I rather like the view here." I relished the uncharacteristic blush that ran up her neck to infuse her cheeks with color.

"Does your mate know you're stalking me?" She snapped, fury and what I hoped was jealousy, dancing in her eyes. "Somehow I don't think she would be too happy about it."

I should have told her everything then. But I liked the fire dancing in her eyes and I remembered the human Ken doll who just kept popping back up. "Does Brad know that I'm the one you really want?"

I had gone too far. I knew this even before she slapped at my chest. Pushed so hard in her fury that she actually managed to get me off balanced. As I reeled, the water of the pool getting closer, I reached up to snatch her around her slim waist. If I was going in the tank, she was going in with me.

The water was colder than I had expected as we breached the surface. I pulled her body close to mine, relishing holding her again. I only let go to give her a chance to swim to the surface.

"You...You...ugh." She was at a complete loss for words as she sputtered, treading water easily and pushing her long mane out of her face.

"Whats wrong? I thought you came here for a swim." I couldn't help teasing her.

"Not fully clothed." She pushed at the sweater she was wearing which kept wanting to float up, revealing her flat stomach just below the surface.

As mad at me as she may be, the water clearly invigorated her. She smoothed her hands over the surface, seeming to treasure the ripples left by her fingers. Color was returning to her cheeks, the circles under her eyes diminishing before my eyes.

I couldn't withstand the temptation of her any longer. For months now I had been watching her, wanting her, and unable to do anything about it. Screw that.

Before she could protest I propelled myself through the water toward her, snaking one hand around her waist, the other holding her head steady as I brought my lips down to hers.

At first she tensed beneath me, clearly preparing to protest.

If she had said one word I would let go, that I promised myself. No matter how hard it would be I would release her.

I prepared myself for just that when her hands went to my chest, undoubtedly to push me away. Instead, unbelievably, her small hands fisted into my shirt front, not to push away but to pull me closer to her.

Beneath the water her toned legs tangled with my own and her lips finally yielded to my onslaught. Opening and allowing my tongue to mingle with her own.

No longer putting any focus to swimming, our bodies sank together beneath the surface. Neither of us even noticed, too lost in each other.

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