Chapter 38

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As much as I had hated my house arrest. I was tempted to run screaming in the other direction when Lindsey, Kelly and I pulled up in Lindsey's car to the school Monday morning.

"He probably won't even show up today, right?" I quickly scanned the area in the parking lot. It was filled with students, but I didn't see any Zionians. Likely their bus hadn't even arrived yet.

"I mean wouldn't he be on his honeymoon or something?"Kelly supplied from the front passenger seat, causing me to blanch.

"Seriously, Kelly." Lindsey slapped  her on the thigh to get her to shut her big mouth.

But the damage was already done. I was already picturing it in my head. Alek kissing on that perfect blond Zionian I had seen on his arm over the news. Going to our beach together. Watching the fireflies at night under a canopy of stars. Worse, Alek in bed with her, going even further than we had together.

"I think I'm going to be sick." I managed to jump from the vehicle and make it to a nearby bush before tossing up the meager breakfast of oatmeal that I had manage to force myself to eat. Kelly and Lindsey attempted to form a shielding circle around me, but I knew people saw. I could tell by the whispers and questioning looks thrown my way as we walked down the hall.

"You got this." Kelly whispered in my ear when she was forced to part from Lindsey and I.

She was right. I so had this. I was strong and I didn't need Alek. Heck, after the way he broke up with me he didn't deserve me, let that pretty blonde have him. Plus, like Kelly said he wasn't likely to come to school after just finding his mate. He was probably...

I didn't even get to finish that thought. As I walked into the history class room, arm linked with Lindseys and head held high only to stop dead in my tracks...

There he was.

I wanted to run, I needed to look away. But I couldn't, I was caught in his green gaze. And he was looking at me in a way I never thought I would see again.

He was looking at me like I was the only girl he saw.

As his glaze traveled up and down my body taking in every detail, I shivered, unable to help my own response. I never thought that I would be seeing that look from him again.

Just when I was about to break. About to go to him. The moment broke.

A slim, pale arm covered in markings snaked through his own that was rested on his desk table as he leaned forward. A slim arm that belong to a slim blonde Zionian, who leaned into Alek and looked up at him as though he hung the moon.

The arm of his mate.

Alek tensed, breaking our stare to focus on his folded hands on the desk in front of him. Just like that the nausea and chest pain returned with a vengeance. I just managed to tramp it down as Lindsey dragged me over to a set of seats clear on the other side of the room.

"That didn't last long." I heard Matt mutter to Brad as we passed by. Brad who wouldn't even look at me.

"Just forget them." Lindsey reassured me when we made it to our seats and sat down.

But I couldn't. People were openly ogling me. They had seen me kissing Alek at the dance. Seen my fall out with Brad and Kelly. Now Alek had someone else on his arm and I was returning from a week away.

"I heard she had a mental break down." I heard from the back row where a girl from my cheerleading squad sat.

"I heard she's pregnant but doesn't know if it's with the alien or Brad." And so the rumor mill started.

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