Chapter 8

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"How in the world did you ever find that thing attractive?" Zeena was still fuming by the end of our first day. "She is toxic."

"I never said I found her attractive." Not out loud at least.

"Shut up, she's gorgeous." Zeena snapped, not looking at all happy about this fact. I just held up my hands, knowing I wouldn't get far in this argument.

As we passed an open classroom in the mostly deserted hallway, Zeke stepped out, arms full of books and joined us. "Man, I never thought I would be happy to be heading back to the compound. I mean I never expected to be welcomed with open arms, but to be ignored or glared at all day?" He shook his head dejectedly.

"Rest of your day go about like ours did?" While Zeena and I were grouped with the Senior class due to our age, Zeke was a year younger at seventeen, so was in the class below ours. The only time we had seen him all day was at lunch. A painfully awkward lunch.

"If you were pretty much spent the whole day checking your back to make sure you didn't accidentally wear a shirt that said 'Loser' then yeah." It was almost pitiful, the kicked puppy dog look coming off of my brother. "They won't even consider letting me join the football team."

"Sorry man."

We were almost to the end of the hall where we were to exit to board the bus back to the compound, when it happened.

Zeena turned to look over at Zeke. As soon as she turned her head a girl walking the opposite direction took the opportunity to throw the contents of her large cup directly onto Zeena's white top. Whatever she had in the cup was red and thick and smelled horrible as it soaked into Zeenas clothes before sloshing down to the ground.

The three of us froze, so shocked it took us a second to process what had just happened.

Then, for the second time that day, I found myself holding back a furious, blood thirsty Zeena. Only this time I also had to clutch onto Zeke's arm to keep him from rushing forward in retaliation, as a group of guys wearing Letterman jackets cackled off to the side.

As badly as I wanted to let go. To see Zeena rip into that spiteful girl or Zeke wipe the floor with those jocks, I couldn't. I knew the consequences should a Zionian harm a human. And it wouldn't be just expulsion.

Plus, we needed to remember the bigger picture here. We needed to stay strong and not respond to the petty bullshit.

That didn't mean I was able to let go of the rage. It was still festering inside me half an hour later, after I had finally managed to corral the others onto the bus.

"I can't believe I ever wanted to be on their stupid fucking team." Zeke was fuming from the seat behind my own. The bus was less packed this time, having already returned from one trip taking Zionian students back to base.

I was too busy glaring out the window to respond to Zeke.

The girl, whose name I had learned was Amber, had just emerged from the front doors of the building. Wearing shorts that showed way too much of her toned legs and a tank top, she was flanked by her posse of girls and her boyfriend. Despite my newfound hatred for the girl, I was still rankled by the site of his arm thrown familiarly around her slim shoulders.

As she passed, all her friends busy laughing at something she had just said. She appeared deep in thought, her forehead pinched into a frown and big eyes downcast. Until she passed the bus and she looked up, our eyes automatically locking. Once again drown to each other like two magnets.

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