Chapter 24

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I watched as the flat stone I threw bounced across the smooth surface of the water. Each time is hit the surface before reflecting off, causing a rippling of small waves before it finally sank below the surface with a soft splash. An irritated duck that had been floating it it's path emitted a loud quack before taking to the sky. .

It seemed even the wildlife couldn't stand my presence at the moment.

The whole weekend I had been in a fowl mood. Even Zeke had given up on trying to cheer me up on his last trip down to the beach. The beach that I had refused to leave, convinced that she would show up.

I should have known better. She was probably pissed at me for taking advantage of her when she was vulnerable. No doubt that connection I had felt with our kiss was one sided. Hadn't she been ready to run after that human male right before she passed out.

For all I knew she was in the process of making up with him at this very moment. While I pinned away on this beach. I picked a larger stone this time to chuck across the waves.

"I think that one made it clear across to the other side." Zeena's voice behind me didn't even startle me.

"What do you want?" I snapped not even turning to acknowledge her. She was no doubt happy about this. She couldn't stand Amber anyways.

"Just making sure you were still alive." She was unfazed by my mood. "You know, still eating, sleeping and all that."

"I'm fine.."

"You're sulking. Like a little boy who had his favorite toy taken away."

"You know, you can be really annoying sometimes." I pointed out. Zeena was never afraid to call me out on my crap and like an annoying fly I just couldn't shake her.

"You're better off without the complication of the Princess." She stepped into the water beside me. "I hate to sound like the commander, but he's right, she's human."

"You think I don't know that." I snapped. "That doesn't mean I can deny what I feel for her. And it definitely doesn't mean I'm going to be willing to take one for the team and marry a Zionian who I feel nothing for."

"It's not like they are planning your marriage for tomorrow."

"For all I know they could be."

"So is this your plan? To just be a jack ass to make sure to scare away any potential brides."

"Haha." I searched around me for another rock. In the distance the sound of a boat filled the air and I immediately stilled.

Not many boats came down this cove. It had to be her...

I stepped further into the water straining my neck to be able to see around the curving tree line.

The motor roared closer, coming around the bend to reveal...a fishing boat.

Zeena and I both immediately slipped into our invisible state, though we needn't of bothered as the fisherman flew by in search of next his fishing spot.

"I'm sorry she hasn't showed up." Zeena laid a comforting hand on my shoulder. She had obviously sensed my anticipation with the boat.

I had been so sure it was her.

"Why? You can't stand her, I figured you'd be happy about this."

"No, I think she's a complete bitch." Zeena held nothing back. "But you didn't. Truthfully, I've never seen you so happy as when you were with her. So for that I'm sorry."

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