Chapter 59

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"Rishi Thomas"

Geet composes herself and texts back "Many people can have the same last let's not think too much"

Vish on the other hand takes out her laptop to check just to clear her confusion, she opens the employee record and checks Kanishka's father's name and was shocked to find the name to be 'Rishi Thomas', he is Kanishka's dad...Kanishka is his daughter...shittt this is messed up...she is behind Ajay...oh noooo Ajay...he is in Dubai alone with her...shitt. She puts them on conference,

"Geet it's her father....I just checked the employees record....Kanishka's dad is Rishi Thomas", Geet was shocked, her voice almost breaks "Vish...Ajay he is alone...wi...with her" Kailash and Vish try comforting her, "Geet nothing will happen you know Ajay Sir right...he loves you only", "Yeah Geethu Ajju doesn't even like her...he finds her irritating and annoying I'm sure nothing will happen", but nothing was able to calm her heart, she was worried that history might repeat itself. She cuts their call and calls Ajay but his phone was switched off, she tries again and again it keeps repeating the same. She calls Vish "Vish his phone is switched off please you try calling him", Vish tries to calm her down "Geet calm down...I'll call him...maybe his battery died... nothing will happen Geet...calm know he loves you right", Geet hums not trusting her voice, Vish "I'll call him and then call you back" and they hang up.

Vish calls Ajay and this time he picks up, she breathes a sigh of relief "Ajju what are you doing...why were you not picking up", Ajay gets confused hearing the worry in her voice "What happened Vish why are you tensed... everything alright there?", Vish "Yeah everything's fine here...but you tell me why weren't you picking the call?", Ajay "I was in a meeting Vish and my battery died...just now I came back to my hotel room and put it on charge", Vish thanks god that nothing has happened as she feared "Okay when are you leaving from there?" Ajay "Thankfully the meeting got over today by tomorrow morning I'll be I'm going for dinner Vish", Vish "Okay Kanishka there?", Ajay "Yeah she is staying here in the same hotel why", Vish sighs not knowing how to say it to him "Just...just stay away from her Ajju", Ajay was again confused "What happened Vish", Vish "Nothing...just remember what I told you", Ajay still was confused but says "Okay" and they hang up. Vish calls Geet and informs her everything, though Geet feels a bit relieved, she was still worried as he was going to be there till the next morning, she was not able to sleep thinking about him.

In Dubai,

Ajay was at the restaurant to have his dinner when Kanishka came upto him "Hey Ajay", Ajay smiles a little "Hi", Kanishka "Can I sit with you?", Ajay was not sure how to refuse so he just nods. Ajay doesn't say anything, he just keeps looking at his phone checking it every now and then, Come on Geet just one call or one message...please...maybe I should send her a message...yeah...I should listen to her once, he was about to type a message to send her when Kanishka takes his phone "Ajay come on stop looking at your to me yaar...tomorrow you will go back I will not have anyone again", Ajay gets irritated as soon as she takes his phone but then he composes himself, Just sometime...I'll text Geet when I go back to the room...yeah better nobody would disturb.

Ajay and Kanishka order and have their dinner, after they complete their dinner Ajay was about to go to his room when she stops him "Come on Ajay just sometime in the bar...just one drink...for your friend", Ajay was hesitant but with her insistence he agrees. They both go to the bar, Kanishka turns to Ajay smiling "So what do you want?", today he found Kanishka to be smiling too much but then he pushed his thoughts aside "Whiskey", she smiles and turns to the bartender "One Whiskey and one Sea Breeze", the bartender soon gives them their drinks. Kanishka "So Ajay how's married life?" Ajay thinks about Geet "Great", Kanishka keeps asking him questions for which he keeps replying in monosyllables, he has one more drink on her insistence but refuses to have anymore after that and stands up to leave but his vision blurs, he was not able to stand properly and he feels light-headed. Kanishka holds him to support him, he sits back, Kanishka looks at him "Hey what happened", Ajay "Umm I'm feeling light headed...I didn't drink much also...then why", Kanishka looks at the bartender "He must have made the drink too strong Ajay...(she tries to hold him)...come I'll take you to your room", Ajay gets rid of her hold and refuses "No I'll go", Kanishka "Okay okay...I'll accompany you till your room", he nods.

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