Chapter 13

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Next day, Geet and Keerthi were at school, Keerthi "How's your work at Sunshine office" Geet "I'm going to resign Kee...Mr.Chowdhary behaves like one pregnant second he is nice he talks properly and next he becomes rude and cold...He didn't even take a look at my designs yesterday he just said they are crap without even looking at them...and he...he thinks....leave it...I don't want to work for him anymore" Keerthi "But Geet...what happened suddenly Arjun said everything is going well" Geet "Leave it Keerthi...Arjun doesn't know...I will tell them today" Keerthi "Ohh Okay". Keerthi knew about Madhu and Roshini's plan and with Arjun being her fiance, she could also talk to Arjun about Geet and how she is around Ajay but this piece of information about her resignation came out of syllabus for Keerthi who kept hearing from Arjun that everything is going well. She storms off to talk to Arjun "Hello Sweetheart", Keerthi who was angry at him for not letting her know about what's happening melts hearing his nickname for her "Hey", "Hmm how come you yourself called me...must be raining cats and dogs", she blushes "Shut up...else I will hang up the call", "Offo my Sweetheart is blushing...okay...that's enough for me", she then remembers why she had called him "Umm...Arjun Geet said that she is gonna resign from Sunshine" Arjun was shocked hearing this "Whatt...but why...everything was going well...Ajay Sir is loving her know he called Me, Vidi and Kailash and was telling us about what to do for the suites based on her designs...what happened to her" Keerthi "I don't know...but something is wrong" Arjun "I'll talk to her" Keerthi "No don't...she is starting for the office to submit her resignation just make sure your Ajay sir get's it first and he'll take care of everything" Arjun was not sure why she wanted Ajay to know this first but then doesn't question her much "Okay".

Geet reaches the office and goes to her cabin, seeing Geet, Vidisha, Arjun and Kailash go to her cabin, Kailash "Hey beautiful I thought you aren't coming today to office and I will be directly picking you up for the dinner", Arjun had not informed them both about her resignation, Vidisha "Yeah Geetu we thought we'll be seeing you directly at the dinner...well since you are here...let me tell you something which Ajay sir told us", hearing Ajay's name her anger flares "I don't want to hear anything about him...and I'm not going for the dinner...and also I'm resigning", Vidisha and Kailash look at her shocked "What...why there any problem" Geet looks at them "Biggest problem is your Ajay Sir...I can't work with him...I'll go mad one day with his mood swings" Vidisha "But...Geet" Kailash also becomes serious after hearing her "Hey Geet if there is any problem we can sort it out...why are you resigning...don't do that...we seriously need a designer like you" Arjun also tries to convince her "Come on Geet Kailash is right we can talk it out yaar...but resigning..." Geet looks at the three of them "I'm sorry guys....but I...I can't...I have already mailed the resignation to Vish" Arjun tries insisting about Ajay though he didn't know why Keerthi told him to do that "And Ajay Sir?", Geet looks here and there "Umm...I sent it to Vish she'll forward it to him", as soon as she says that Ajay storms into her cabin fuming "What the hell Ms.Iyer", Geet looks at him shocked "Umm Mr.Chowdhary...I..I need to la...leave", Ajay looks at Vidisha, Kailash and Arjun "Leave...", They keep looking at Geet and then at Ajay without leaving, he roars when they don't leave "I said leave I need to talk to Ms.Iyer", they three scatter away fearing his anger.

Ajay's eyes were blazing with anger, Geet gulps getting nervous "Umm...I...Ummm", Ajay walks closer to her and cages her to the desk, his huge beast like figure hovering on her "Yeah continue...what happened huh...if you can send you resignation to Vish why didn't you send it to me" Geet gulps looking at him "Umm...I..I" Ajay looks into her eyes "You are not going anywhere Ms.Iyer...I guess you did not read the agreement properly" Geet looks confused, he backs off from her "Well Ms.Iyer according to the agreement you would have to give a notice period of 3 months before your resignation or until and unless I get a better designer in your case". He pulls her closer and smirks "So you are stuck with me...I mean in the office for now go home and get ready for the dinner and I'll pick you up by one else is going to pick you up do you understand Ms.Iyer", she keeps looking at him shocked and surprised while he leaves the cabin smiling. Geet keeps looking at door thinking, what just happened...what did he...what does he think of himself...and how could I...why do I get nervous when he's close to me...why do I get affected by him...God why are you doing this to me...I can't stay with I can't even leave from here till he finds another designer...he always manages to give me a headache with his behaviour...I...I should go home.

Ajay goes back to his cabin smiling, she isn't leaving from here anytime soon...and I'm not letting her go anywhere...I don't know what is it about her that makes me long for her but I'm not letting her go and she is the best designer I have...I'll make sure she stays by hook or by crook...God! what's she making me do but I think I'm going to love this...ufff this woman is making me go more work to do. He calls Vidisha, Kailash and Arjun to his cabin "So you three must be knowing of Ms.Iyer's resignation", "Yes Sir" Vidisha "Sir isn't there a way we can stop her" Ajay smirks "Don't worry Ms.Vidisha she isn't going anywhere...well unless we get a better designer...but leave that to me...your job is to make sure she doesn't look to being a designer anywhere else...and the rest I'll take care...I'll make sure that she doesn't go anywhere", Kailash, Vidisha and Arjun look at him shocked but then nod their heads "And one more thing Kailash I'll pick her up from her home can come directly to the restaurant" Kailash tries to argue "But Sir it won't be a problem for me...I can pick her up" Ajay glares at him "Just do what I say Mr.Kailash" Kailash "Okay Sir", they three leave from there.

That's all for now guys.
Hope you all like it❤️
Happy Reading 💙
Yours lovingly

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