Chapter 51

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After Visha and Vikrant leave, Geet locks the door of their room and goes back to Ajay "Geetuuuu my drinkkkk", Geet looks at him "No more drinks have already had a lot", He pouts looking at her "But you promised...(his eyes again turned red remembering his father, his anger resurfaces and tears start to pour from his eyes)...he also promised...but he broke it...he promised that he will be with me forever but he left...he left us", he pushes down the jug of water kept on the side table, Geet jumps as it breaks into pieces, she goes near him trying to keep him away from stepping onto the glass pieces "Ajay...(she makes him sit down and cups his face)...Jaan please calm down...please don't do are hurting yourself Jaan...don't do this please", "How could he come here....that too after so many years...I...I hate him", he ends up breaking down in her arms.

She hugs him while he cries his heart out in her embrace, seeing him in tears she couldn't stop hers, her heart pricked seeing him in this state but she couldn't bring herself to hate his father after hearing him she wanted to know what is going on especially about Kailash, but right now her only priority was Ajay. He goes silent in sometime, she looks at him and finds him asleep, she makes him lie down on the bed and cleans the broken glass pieces from the floor, while cleaning she hears a knock on the door, she opens it to find Vikrant, he was having two plates of food in his hand "Here both of you haven't eaten...have it and then sleep...and here lemon juice make him drink it...he will feel better...I have told Maa that Ajay is having a headache so you guys are in your room", she nods and takes them from Vikrant and closes the door. She changes into her pajamas and goes near Ajay to wake him up so that he can eat something, "Jaan...Ajay...wake up...", he complains not wanting to get up, "Jaan please you have to eat...come on get up", she makes him sit with the support of the headboard of the bed.

She makes him drink the lemon juice that Vikrant had brought, somehow the lemon juice has an alternate effect on him making him high with the sugar rush, he pulls her closer and buries his face in her neck "Geetuuu you smell like violet rosessss...I Loveeee rosessss", she blushes and somehow gets out from his hold and takes him to the bathroom and helps him wash his face while he keeps looking at her, his gaze not even wavering from her for a second "Geetuuuu why are you so beautifullll", she blushes but doesn't answer him just gives him his pajamas "Jaan change your dress...I'll be me once you are done", she was about to go out but he holds her hand and pulls her back and holds her waist "You itself change it na", she gulps looking at him nervously " wa...want me to ch...change your dress", he nods looking at her, she looks here and there not knowing what to do, she knew he isn't in his senses but his gaze on her was intense making her whole body tingle, Ajay pulls her futher closer "Geetuuuu". Her hands tremble as she reaches for the buttons of his sherwani, he starts nuzzling into her neck, she gasps as she feels his lips grazing her neck, she stutters trying to get words out of her throat "Aa...Aajay", she freezes as she feels wet kisses on her nape, he keeps kissing her crazily, she shudders at his touches, he was not ready to leave her even for a second, she was drowing in his kisses. She holds his sherwani tightly not being able to bear his sweet kisses, her legs were giving out on her she was thankful for his tight hold on her, she tries calling him out but it comes out as a moan "Jaaannn", this turns him on even more, he pulls her even closer crushing her in his arms, he starts showering feather light kisses on her jawline. She was also turned on with his continuous shower of kisses, just as he loosens his grip on her, she pushes him and runs from the bathroom blushing.

She runs off into their room and stands near the dressing table, she was completely flushed, she was not sure whether her heart was even beating, she again feels Ajay back hugging her. He pushes her hair aside burries his face in her nape showering kisses again, her rose scent was driving his mind and heart mad, he whispers huskily in her ears "Iiiii loovvveeeee yoouuuu Geetuuuu" and kisses her earlobe. She turns around buries her face in his chest not being able to bear anymore his sweet kisses anymore "Jaannnnn", he lifts her face and makes her look at him, he inches closer to her and kisses both her cheeks, her already flushed cheeks redden even more. He then closes the distance between their lips and starts sucking them, she also responds to the kiss with equal fervor, he keeps walking her backward till they reach the bed, they both were drifting into their own world. Geet was fumbling to remove the buttons of his sherwani, Ajay removes the zip of her top in one go, they both were lying on the bed with Ajay hovering on top of Geet covering them both in a blanket, each piece of their clothes being discarded, drowned completely in their love for each other.

The night was intoxicating, so was their love for eachother, his heart was in pain and she was his only remedy💖, she was the shore to the high tides of his ocean 🌊 just like he was the twinkling star in her night sky🌌. The moon being the only witness watched their love for each other bloom in all ways possible💗. They both were in bliss of being with eachother, they both loose themselves to their love happily, today their souls united with each other's forever, they became husband and wife in all sense❤️.

That's all for now guys.
Hope you all like it❤️
Happy Reading 💙
Yours lovingly

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