Chapter 3

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The next day, Roshini calls Madhu "Hello am I speaking to Mrs.Madhu Iyer" Madhu "Yes" Roshini "I'm Roshini Chowdhary...I was there in the pooja yesterday...I wanted to talk to you" Madhu "Ohh yeah she told me...sure we can talk" Roshini smiles "Great...where can we meet" Madhu "You tell me Mrs.Chowdhary" Roshini "Is it okay if I come to your house" Madhu smiles "Sure". Geet while leaving from home "Maa...I will be late I need to submit my designs to Sunshine Resorts...I will complete that and come home don't wait for me have your lunch" Madhu "Okay Geet...but what about your lunch" Geet "I'll have it with Keerthi" Madhu "Okay fine" and Geethanjali leaves for school.

After sometime Roshini reaches Iyer house, she goes in and rings the bell, Madhu opens the door "You must be Mrs.Chowdhary" Roshini smiles "Yes" Madhu smiles in return "Come in" and takes her to the living room. Madhu goes to the kitchen to bring snacks for her, Roshini "Aiyoo what's the need for this" Madhu "You have come to our house for the first time...please have it" Roshini smiles "Thank you" Madhu "Tell me Mrs.Chowdhary what do you want to know about Geethanjali and why" Roshini smiles "Geethanjali such a beautiful name just like her...I don't know what it is that makes her look different but she is different...the kind of girl I would want as my daughter...the girl I want for my son" Madhu looks at her shocked "You want our Geetu for your son" Roshini smiles "Yes...but I want to know what happened in her past that people talk like that behind her back...I know your her mother-in-law but you are more than a mother to her...the way you stood up for her...I can understand your love for her...I want to know more about her...where are her parents and her husband" Madhu smiles "True I'm Mother-in-law but she has been my daughter ever since she was born...Arvind Rao, Geet's dad named her after her mother whose name was Anjali...Anjali had some complications in her pregnancy due which she died few hours after baby was born... Anjali is what we used to call her before a tragic incident happened in our lives and completely changed everything in our lives in just a night", tears form in Madhu's eyes thinking about the incident.

Roshini gives water to Madhu "It's okay I don't know what happened but if it's this painful then something terrible must have's okay...I don't want to know what happened" Madhu shakes her head "No your the first one that has come to me asking my daughter for your son...if you want to get her married to your son atleast you need to know her know how our Geethanjali was" Roshini smiles "Whatever maybe her's not going to change my decision that I want her as my daughter-in-law...I wanted to know her past because I could see the pain in her eyes and those women future I need to shut their mouths that's why I wanted to know" Madhu "She has suffered a lot Mrs.Chowdhary" Roshini "You can call me Roshini" Madhu smiles "And you also call me Madhu...Anjali that's what her dad used to call her because she is a carbon copy of her mother...The naughtiest of all she was...her eyes always twinkling with mischief...there has not been a day when she came home without any complains from her teacher when she was little...In college also her pranks didn't stop but everyone loved her there was not a single person who could hate her" Roshini smiles "Seems like a fun loving girl" Madhu smiles "That's how she was...she was her daddy's girl...she was playful yet mature at the same time...Her dad made sure that she got the love of her mother and father...though it was not possible he tried his best to make sure that she didn't miss her mother...after Anjali, Geethanjali was his only priority...many of his relatives told him to get married again but he always said 'my Anjali is always with me I don't want to marry anyone else'...his world revolved around Geet" Roshini "Wow he really loves Geethanjali a lot and his wife also a lot...(she sighs) not everyone gets such a person in their life"

Madhu smiles "Maybe...Arvind Anna and my husband Krishna were childhood buddies...Even their fathers were childhood friends...they wanted to convert their friendship into a family...not that they already weren't family...but then Arvind Anna and Krishna were born so they decided that when a girl and boy will be born in the same generation they will get them they had wanted Vishnu was born...mine and Krishna's son..and 4 years later Geethanjali was born...their Grandfathers were the happiest" Roshini "Their marriage was decided when they were born" Madhu smiles "Practically yes but we did give them a choice in the end but they were very much into getting married...Vishnu and Geethanjali like their fathers were best friends...Any problem she faces she would come directly to Vishnu for solution...Vishnu did like Geet but he never forced her for anything not even for the marriage it was all her choice...She thought compatibility comes first in narriage and they both knew everything about each other...All of us were worried if she is taking the decision under any pressure or to make us happy but her reply was always same 'I don't have anyone in my life nor does Vishnu...and we are already best friends what other reason do I need to marry can happen later also...isn't that what a marriage is all about knowing each other and then falling in love...with time love will also happen Maa...I'm happy with this marriage and see I get to stay so close to dadda and all of you...I don't have to move away also...isn't this the best marriage'...we all were very much happy that they both have given a nod for the marriage" Roshini smiles "She loves you all so much...this family and the love you all have for eachother is making me overwhelmed...and knowing more about her...the more I want her to become my Ajay's wife" Madhu smiles "Our Geethanjali is lovable nobody can hate her... Everything was going well...they got married...Geet was completing the final year of her post graduation...Vishnu was working in a software company...they both were falling for each other falling in love with each other...6 months into the was Geethanjali's birthday...(her smiles fades) the day everything went haywire turning all our lives upside down"

That's all for now guys.
Hope you all like it❤️
Soon her past will completely be revealed.
Happy Reading 💙
Yours lovingly

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