Chapter 34 - Crowns

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Chapter 34 - Crowns

"You guys are cute but you make me want to throw up," Lexi complains.

"Weren't you just making out with Cameron," I shoot.

"Oh, um. Never mind then. Carry on with you cuddling," she stutters. Got 'em.

"Come on. I'm bored let's go out," Nick groans.

"Yeah let's," JJ agrees.

"We can't, remember no one is allowed to leave on Friday nights anymore," Lexi reminds us.

The school banned leaving on Friday nights because too many students were partying and coming back drunk or not at all.

"That's never stopped Storm before," Cam smirks.

"Oh now you want me to be bad. Is your bitch ass turning into a fan now?" I ask Cam.

"Whatever, let's go. What should we do," Cam says.

"Tattoos," I shout.

"No! Not again," Cam shouts back.

"You have a tattoo!?" Everyone shouts minus Cam.

"Oh um yeah," I say getting up. I pull down my shorts at the hip to reveal a heart with an A inside it. You're probably thinking Adam and does he have one with a T in it. Yeah he does and I regret it everyday.

"The school will kick us out if we have one," Lexi brings up. Thankfully now I don't have to talk about it. I'm planning on getting it filled in anyways.

"Just anywhere not visible. How do you think I hid this from my parents. It's right beneath my panty line," I explain.

"Let's go then," Nick shouts.

"Woah calm down there cowboy, we need a plan first," Sam says.

"Howdy partner we get out," Nick replies.

"Um, anyways there's guards at the exits and we definitely can't drive," JJ mentions.

Lexi and I both share the same look before running towards the door and marking down everyone's shoe size. We have a plan.

"We'll be back," Lexi yells while opening the door.

"You guys just figure out what exit is easiest," I add as we leave.

Lexi and I run outside towards the school store. Basically the other day we saw they had new rollerblades. After Lexi and I buy a bunch we have to carry all 7 boxes of them back. Heavy and a lot. We should've brought a bag.

"We're back," Lexi and I yell while kicking open the door with her foot.

"Rollerblades!" Nick screams.

"Shhhhhh," we all shush him. We can't be that loud.

"Okay here," I say, handing everyone their pair.

"Okay what exit," I ask.

"North-east. Only one guard and he breaks every 20 minutes for 5 minutes," Chris explains.

"Okay, everyone go to your dorm. Get dressed and come back in 15 minutes," I tell everyone.

"Okay," everyone says leaving, minus Lexi.

"What should we wear," I ask Lexi going through my closet.

"I'm wearing the grey one right now. We could match," Lexi says pointing towards some clothes.

"Let's," I agree.


Lexi is wearing a grey Calvin Klein bra and black sweat shorts while I'm wearing the black Calvin Klein bra with grey sweatshorts. All the boys came wearing black sweatpants and different colour shirts. Guess they're matching too.

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