Chapter 29 - Ella?!

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Chapter 29 - Ella?!

Who invented exams. Because I have a bone to pick with them. Why? Why put students through the stress and pain of studying for shit we'll never need in the future. Even if we do there's google. You know what I'd like to learn in school taxes and credit and all that. They really graduate you and say here 80% of the shit you learned won't help you since you chose a career in something else. Also the most important stuff, you can barely use google to help explain and you have to learn how to do it on your own.

"Ah fuck chemistry," I say throwing my pencil across the room.

"Hey," Chris says.

"Hay is for horses. Grass is cheaper," I respond.

"You think she's broken," Nick asks. We're all having a study session. The whole gang including Lex and Cam. But guess what, it sucks.

"I'll help you, what don't you understand," Chris says sitting next to me.

"It's chem, what do I understand," I exaggerate leaning my head back against my bed. We're all sitting on the floor papers spread across cups of coffee and empty snack wrappers.

"Maybe we should take a break," JJ suggests.

"Woohoo break time," I say jumping up.

"No, stay in here," Cam scolds and I pout and jump onto my bed.

"Why can't she go out," Nick asks.

"Because everytime we study and it's break time she does something dumb. Every year, she says won't but still does. It's like an ongoing cycle," Cam sighs.

"Whatever Cameron. I can take care of myself," Ireply.

"Can you Storm. Can you honestly leave this room without drinking , getting high or partying with guys," he says making me jaw drop.

"You make me sound like a slut. It was one time and I was with Adam, my current boyfriend at the time. You're making it seem like I fuck random guys. I just want a walk," I spit.

"Storm, you can go out," Cameron says and I jump up and squeal. "Not alone," Cam adds.

"I'll go," Chris says.

"No, you're helping me with math. Sam can go," JJ informs.

"Oop let's go Sammy," I say grabbing his arm and pulling him outside. We aren't going anywhere, just a walk.

"So how's smoking," I ask Sam as we walk down the street.

"No more cravings and I'm 7 months clean," he smiles and I squeal jumping up and down.

"That's great Sam. I'm happy for you," I say giving him a hug. "Thanks Storm," he says looking down.

"What's wrong?" I ask as we walk into a convenience store. I pick out the best candies and drinks, unhealthy I know but who cares.

"What would you do if you liked someone," he says and I come to a complete stop.

"Um I'd honestly tell them. B-but I'd be a hypocrite," I stutter picking up a box of Sam's favourite cookies.

"What if they're in love with someone else," he sighs, rubbing his head in his hands.

"Well I mean I don't know. You can't really break up a relationship. If it's meant to be it'll be," I reply not knowing where this is going.

"What if they aren't together," he adds. Who is he talking about, does he like someone else, I think to myself as I walk to the cashier.

"Umm well then you might as well tell them how you feel before it's too late. Life is too short to wonder what if," I say, giving him an honest answer. Now I'm thinking if I should tell Chris?

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