Chapter 27 - Toodles

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Chapter 27 - Toodles

Chris didn't come to class the past two days or even the dorm according to Sam. His phone is off and there's no way of contacting him. We've tried everything called home, his grandparents but we still couldn't find him. We have to wait a full 48hrs before the police can search for him according to them.

It's now lunch and we're all eating quietly. No one dares to say anything, everyone is too worried about why he'd run off like that.

"Are you sure we've checked everywhere," Sam says breaking the silence.

"Yes, all his hideouts and everything. I'm sure he's fine, he probably has another secret place," JJ answers.

Secret place, shit how could I be so stupid. I abruptly get up and shove back my untouched chicken wraps in my backpack before heading off. I don't even say anything but I hear Nick say something along the lines of 'taking it hard'. Little do they know.

I fling open the doors and start running and running. Through the park through the forest not caring about the sticks and branches slicing my skin. Once I make it to the cliff I climb the ladder. Guess who's here, laying down sleeping.

I don't bother doing anything. It looks like he's been crying, I take out my chicken wraps and place them next to him before laying next to him and falling asleep. I've barely been able to sleep the past two days knowing he was missing.


I wake up to the sound of chewing and slowly open my eyes to see Chris eating food with tears in his eyes. I don't question it and just wrap my arms around his waist.

"I'm sorry," he whispers and I look up to him as tears fall out of his eyes and I wipe them away.

"Don't apologize," I whisper back and he hugs me tighter.

"My mom died," he whispers barely even audibly. I know the feeling, I experienced it. I don't say anything, I just hug him tighter.

After a while he explains to me what happened. His mom had cancer that he didn't know about. No one told him, his dad wanted to keep it on the low saying it wasn't that bad.

"He couldn't even fucking tell me himself," Chris rages throwing his phone against the wall causing me to flinch.

"Shit I'm sorry, Storm," he says softly, noticing my scared expression. I'm not scared, just shocked.

"It's okay," I whisper.

"Now he's out drinking, fucking other bitches and working. Like nothing happened, like he never even had a wife," he clenches his fist. I quickly wrap my palms around his fist trying to ease the tension and anger.

"It's fine. Let's just talk about something else," he says removing his hands from mine and I scoot back trying to give him space.

"Umm, everyone is looking. The police get called tonight if you aren't back," I reply.

"Shit um, yeah I'll be back. Thanks for the food," he smiles weakly.

"No problem," I smile back.

"You should go to class," he whispers.

"I'm fine, I can stay," I say.

"No Storm I can't have you do that. I can't h-have you skip things for me," he stutters.

"Chris, it's fine. Please," I plead wanting him to let me stay.

"Okay," he breathes out.

"Okay," I confirm and I watch as he looks around the room.

Gorgeous Troubled Boys Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora