Chapter 25 - Arent thunderstorms supposed to be fast

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Chapter 25 - Aren't thunderstorms suppose to be fast?

Nick and I have been sick for the past three days. So far I think the food poisoning has passed. It's Sunday afternoon now and I'm supposed to babysit the principal's kid with Sam. He asked us to do it saying we're the ones he trusts and most responsible.

"Storm you ready," Sam says entering my room.

"Wait are you wearing that," he asks. I'm barely over my food poisoning and don't feel like dressing up. So I'm wearing grey sweatpants and tshirt.

"Yup," I say, grabbing my phone and keys.


"This is Ella she's 6, Gabby 12, Tristan 8 and Owen 8 they're twins," Principal Sanders explains.

"I ordered pizza so just bathe them, help with homework and play and bed at 9 for young ones and 10 for Gabby," he elaborates.

"Sounds good," Sam replies. Once we all get acquainted principal Sanders and his wife leaves. I'm assuming it's date night based on their formal attire.

"So what do you guys want to do," I ask the kids.

"Video games," the boys shout.

"Makeovers," the girls exclaim, grabbing my arms and dragging me upstairs.

While Sam was downstairs with the boys, I was upstairs doing makeovers with the girls. Just simple eyeshadow, blush, lipstick and nail polish. I let Gabby do my makeup and Ella paint my nails. Nails look bad but it's the effort that counts right and she's six.

Once we were done we headed downstairs for dinner. Two minutes prior to walking downstairs we heard the doorbell ring, pretty sure Sam got it so the girls and I finished our makeup.

"You girls look gorgeous," Sam says as we enter the kitchen. The boys just fake gag and look away. I think little Ella has a crush on Sam. She's blushing like a tomato and when we went to sit, she sat next to Sam.

"Someone's got a crush," I whisper to Sam before sitting next to Gabby.

After dinner Sam and I cleaned up as everyone went to shower and put on pjs for a movie. See a trick I use in babysitting is telling them I'll let them stay up past their bedtime if they're good but it's really like 15 minutes past.

Once we all finished up we all sat around getting ready to watch lion king. I sat next to Sam, Ella on Sam's lap, Gabby sat in her own sofa and the boys shared the other couch.

As the movie played I could feel myself slowly drifting asleep. I rested my head on Sam's shoulder before passing out.

After the movie Sam helped the kids get to bed and I cleaned up everything. The living room, kitchen and toys. Once we were done Sam and I waited around in the living room for the parents to come home. But they never did.

"What time is it," I ask Sam.

"Umm 1 AM," he answers looking at his phone.

"Weren't they suppose to be back a-"

"11:30," he finishes my sentence.

"What if so-"

"Something came up. Nothing happened Storm relax, you're tense," he says noticing how tense I am. I try to relax in certain situations like these but usually end up overthinking even more.

"Okay," I breathe out.

"Just sleep," he says patting his shoulder. I lean my head on his shoulder before drifting asleep once again.

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