Chapter 29

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"They'll be here in four days" said Alice when we gathered, along with Jacob, Embry and Quil.
"This could turn into a bloodbath" said Carlisle.
"Who's behind it?" asked Edward.

"I didn't see anyone I recognized" said Alice and she looked up at Lewis, who was uneasy because of the wolves. "Maybe one"
"I know his face. He's local. Riley Biers" said Edward and my eyes glowed.

"I sensed that he was dead when Charlie showed us the picture. But I guess he was too far away for me to sense that he had become a vampire" I said and Jasper rubbed my shoulders.
"He didn't start this" said Edward.

"Whoever did is staying out of the action" said Alice.
"They must be playing with the blind spots in your vision" said Carlisle.
"Either way, the army is coming and there aren't enough of us to protect the town" said Jasper.

"Hold up. What damn army?" asked Jacob.
"Newborns. Our kind" said Carlisle.
"What are they after?" asked Embry.

"They were passing around Bella's scent. A red blouse" said Alice.
"They're after Bella? What the hell does this mean?" asked Jacob.
"It means an ugly fight" I said. "With lives lost"

Jacob looked at Embry and Quil.
"All right. We're in" said Jacob.
"No" said Bella. "You'd get yourselves killed. No way"

"I wasn't asking for permission" said Jacob.
"Edward?" said Bella.
"It means more protection for you" said Edward.

"Jacob, do you believe Sam would agree to an understanding?" asked Carlisle.
"As long as we get to kill some vampires" said Jacob.
"Jasper?" asked Carlisle.

"They'll give us the numbers" said Jasper. "Newborns won't know they even exist. That'll give us an edge"
"We'll need to coordinate" said Carlisle.
"Carlisle, they're gonna get hurt" said Bella.

"We'll all need some training. Fighting newborns requires knowledge that Jasper has. You're welcome to join us" said Carlisle.
"All right. Name the time and place" said Jacob.

"Jake, you don't know what you're getting yourself into" said Bella.
"Bella, this is what we do. You should be happy" said Jacob. "Look at us, working together. You are the one who wanted us to get along. Remember?"


That evening we went to our new home.
"Jazz, this is beautiful" I said when he showed me the house. I had a room for my art, Alice had filled up my closet making me laugh.

And the bed was big enough for the two of us.
"You like it?" he asked and I kissed him on his lips.
"I love it" I said and he kissed me back.
I fell on the bed and I pulled him down with me.


The next morning, I put on some easy clothes and Jasper stopped me at the door.
"You're not fighting" he said and I rolled my eyes.

"I'll have to learn one day! Besides, if I know how to fight, you'll be more at ease as well" I said and he sighed. "You know I'm right, Jazz. I can be helpful!"
"Fine, you can train with us" he said and I smiled.


Jasper and Emmett were warming up, but Jasper was the better fighter of the two.
"Again!" shouted Emmett who stood up.
But Bella and Edward arrived, and I felt the wolves approaching.

Jasper laid his arm around my waist and I smiled at him. I put my hand on his back and we looked at the wolves who arrived.
Lewis was here too, he was going to fight with us. His eyes were almost completely golden now. And according to Alice, he had good control.

"They don't trust us enough to be in their human forms" said Edward who read their minds.
"They came. That's what matters" said Carlisle. "Will you translate?"
Jasper also walked closer and I went to Bella, who stood alone.

"Welcome" said Carlisle. "Jasper has experience with newborns. He'll teach us how to defeat them"
"They want to know how the newborns differ from us" said Edward.
"They're a great deal stronger than us. Because their own human blood lingers in their tissues" explained Carlisle. "Our kind is never more physically powerful than in our first several months of this life"

"Carlisle's right" said Jasper. "That's why they are created. A newborn army doesn't need thousands like a human army, but no human army could stand against them. Now the two most important things to remember are, first, never let them get their arms around you. They'll crush you instantly. And second, never go for the obvious kill"

'He's kind of hot taking charge right now'
"They'll be expecting that, and you will lose. Emmett!" said Jasper.
They were going for a demonstration.

"Don't hold back" said Jasper.
"Not in my nature" said Emmett and he ran towards Jasper.
Emmett threw Jasper away from him, but Jasper out manoeuvred him in the end.

"Never lose focus" smirked Jasper.
Next up was Edward against Carlisle.
They both moved very well, but when Carlisle was on the ground and Edward walked away...

"One more thing" said Jasper and Carlisle put Edward down. "Never turn your back on your enemy"
"You're enjoying this" I said and he smiled.
Next was Jasper versus Rosalie.
She was good, but Jasper was better.

Jasper looked at me, it was my turn.
My eyes were glowing and I could see everything in slow motion.
I stood in front of him and dodged his attacks easily.

But he grabbed me by the shoulders and wanted to kiss me.
I used my telekinesis to push him away and jumped in the air. He couldn't see me, and when I dropped on him on his back. He smirked at me and I gave him a quick peck on his lips.

"Not bad, darling" he whispered.
"I had a great teacher" I teased him and got off his back.

-Jasper POV-

I was surprised with Emma. She had good instincts and was reliable in combat.
She would be a great asset during the battle, but I didn't want her to get hurt. Newborns were strong...

When we were done and the wolves left I saw Emma talking to Lewis and Alice.
Lewis was great too, he was a good fighter, I guess that's natural when you were in the navy.
"Jasper" said Bella and I looked at her. "Are you sure there's nothing I can do to help?"

"Well, your presence alone, your scent, will distract the newborns. Their hunting instinct will take over and drive them crazy"
"Good. I'm glad" she said. "How do you know so much about this?"

'So Emma didn't tell her'
"I didn't have quite the same upbringing as my adopted siblings" I said and showed her my scars on my arms.
"Those bites are like Emma's" she said.

"Battle scars" I said. "All the training the Confederate Army gave me, was useless against the newborns. Still, I never lost a fight"
"This happened during the Civil War?" she asked while we were walking.

"I was the youngest major in Texas cavalry, all without having seen any real battle" I said.
"Until?" asked Bella.

"Till I met a certain immortal. Maria" I said and began telling her the story I told Emma last year.
"I was riding back to Galveston after evacuating a column of women and children when I saw them. I immediately offered them my aid. She told me I could be useful to her and she changed me, they had just lost their land to some other clans" I told her.

"Maria was creating an army?" asked Bella.
"They were very common in the South. There were constant brutal battles for territory. Maria won them all. She was smart, careful, and she had me. I was her second in command. My ability to control emotions served her well. I trained her newborns. An endless occupation since she never let them live beyond their first year. It was my job to dispose of them. I could feel everything they felt. I thought what Maria and I had was love. But I was her puppet. She pulled the strings. I didn't know there was another way till I met Alice" I told her. "She saw me coming of course. And when she told me that one day I would find real love, it felt like a dream. She brought me to the Cullens and brought me to Emma. And that's when I realised what love really was, what Alice told me I would find. And of course I fell in love with Emma the moment I met her"

"Well, you kept that to yourself long enough, Cowboy" said Emma and she held my hand. I laughed and she smiled.
"My apologies, Ma'am" I said and she chuckled. "I don't know what I'd have become without her"
She shushed me and stood on her toes. "You never have to be that again" she said and she kissed me softly on my lips and I kissed her back.

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