Chapter 23

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We had to follow Jane, the woman who brought my father to his knees before the other vampires from the Volturi killed him...
"Just do as she says" whispered Alice.

We walked down the stairs, before arriving to the elevator.
In the elevator there was opera music playing.
I stood close to Jasper, and I noticed how less cold he felt to me.
His hand was on my back and he made sure that I wasn't scared.

We passed a desk where a human was working. She said something in Italian.
"Does she know?" I asked.
"Yes" said Jasper.

"Then why would... oh, she wants to be" I said.
"And so she will be" said a vampire behind me.
"For desert" said Jane.

She opened the door and we came into a huge room. Where 3 old vampires were waiting for us.
"Sister. Send you out to get one and you bring back 3 and a half. And a Banshee" said a vampire.
"What a happy surprise!" said one of the old vampires, Aro.

'I remember them too... they were all there...'
"Bella is alive after all" said Aro and walked closer to Bella and Edward. "Isn't that wonderful. I love a happy ending. They are so rare" he looked at me and smiled. "Miss Marshall, how lovely to see you all grown up! I can hardly hear your heart beating anymore"

He stepped closer to me and held out his hand.
"May I read your thoughts? Just like Mr. Hale I have a gift, I can read all of your thoughts through one touch. So, may I?" he asked and I looked into his red eyes before giving him my hand. "Oh, the pain you've gone through. The loss, the constant death you feel. Losing the one you love most of all. But I see he's returned back to you"

Jasper let his hand rest upon my waist, looking at Aro.
"I see you finally became a real Banshee. How lovely, there's finally peace in your mind, after all these years... I do apologize for killing your father in front of your eyes" he said and I just kept looking at him while he kept reading my thoughts. "She does love you very much, Mr. Hale"

"And I love her" said Jasper and Aro smiled before going to Edward.
Jasper kissed my hair and I let my face fall into his chest, before looking back at Edward and Bella.

Aro grabbed Edward's hand. "Her blood appeals to you so much. It makes me thirsty. How can you stand to be so close to her?" he asked.
"It's not without difficulty" said Edward.

"Yes, I can see that" said Aro.
"Now you know everything. Get on with it" said Edward.
"You are quite a soul reader yourself, Edward" said Aro. "Though, you can't read Bella's thoughts... fascinating"

He let go of Edward's hand and he took a step back.
"I would love to see if... you are an exception to my gifts as well" he said and held out his hand. Bella slowly stepped forward and laid her hand in Aro's.

"Interesting" said Aro. "I see nothing"
He let go of Bella's hand and turned towards his vampire friends.
"I wonder if... Let us see if she is immune to all our powers" said Aro. "Shall we, Jane?"

Jasper pulled me behind him, and Edward did the same with Bella.
"Pain" said Jane and Edward began to fall on his knees.

"Pain" said the girl and my father fell on his knees, he cried out in pain.
"Very good, Jane. Now, Mr. Marshall. You have made quite the mess" said a man who looked the same age as my father.

"Who... who the... the hell are you?" asked my father in pain.
"We are the ones who keep the order. Make sure our secret stays safe... what do we have here?" said the man and walked closer to me. "I hardly smelled her. And that hair... a future Banshee. How lovely. But what are those"

The man held up my hand and looked angry at my father.
"You nearly killed a Banshee. Your own daughter it seems. Alec, kill him slowly please" said the man and out of the boy came black smoke, that began to suffocate my father...

"Emma, wake up, Emma" Jasper held my head and I looked into his eyes.
"I'm sorry" I whispered and looked at Jane, who was still hurting Edward.
"Stop!" shouted Bella. "Don't, please stop! Stop! Just stop hurting him, please! Please!" pleaded Bella.

"Jane?" said Aro and she stopped using her gift.
"Master?" she said.
"Go ahead, my dear" he said and looked at Bella.
"This may hurt just a little" said Jane, but nothing was happening.

Aro began to laugh... "Remarkable!" he said. "She confounds us all. So, what do we do with you now?"
"You already know what you're going to do, Aro" said the oldest man of the 3.
"She knows too much" said the blond one. "She's a liability"

"That's true" sighed Aro. "Felix" he said and the boy next to Bella, the one who killed my father slowly began to move.
"No!" shouted Edward and moved Bella out of the way.

I looked at the vampire who was going to hurt Alice and my eyes began to glow. I was frying his brain and he fell on his knees. Jasper was keeping the other vampires away from me.

But I saw one coming to him and I used my telekinesis to send the vampire flying into the wall.
"God I love you" said Jasper and I smiled, while holding the vampires away from me.
But there were many, so I didn't see what was happening to Edward.

"Please, no! No, please, please!" screamed Bella and the vampires all stopped attacking us. "Kill me, kill me. Not him"
I went closer to Jasper and we kept an eye out for when the vampires might attack us again.
"How extraordinary" said Aro. "You would give up your life for someone like us? A vampire. A soulless monster"

"Just get away from her" said Edward, who was still being held by a big vampire.
"You don't know a thing about his soul" said Bella.
"This is a sadness" said Aro. "If only it were your intention to give her immortality"

"Wait!" shouted Alice and I at the same time, we looked at each other.
"Bella will be one of us" said Alice. "I've seen it"
"I've felt it" I said.
"I'll change her myself" said Alice.

Aro held out his hand and Alice took off her glove and laid her hand in his.
"Mesmerizing, to see what you have seen, before it has happened" said Aro and let go of Alice's hand. "Your gifts will make for an intriguing immortal, Isabella... go now. Make your preparations"

"Let us be done with this" said the oldest one of the 3. "Heidi will arrive any moment. And we don't want a Banshee to be near us then. Thank you, for your visit"

"We'll return the favour" said the blonde one. "I would advise that you follow through on your promise soon. We do not offer second chances"
"Goodbye, my young friends" said Aro.

Jasper pushed me out of the door. And we passed a group of tourists...
"We have to get out of here soon" he said and dragged me fast behind him.
"Jazz? What's..." I began before I felt that the people were walking towards their deaths...

"Emma, focus on me. We're almost out of here" he said.
"No, it's fine" I said, but my eyes were glowing. I could feel them die, painfully. But I could handle it. "I can handle it now. It's okay"
He looked at me and smiled, knowing I wasn't lying to him...

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