Chapter 28

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Bella came back home from her time with Jacob.
But I heard arguing... so Charlie and I ran outside.
Edward was having a fight with Jacob and Bella was hurt.

"Hey, hey, hey! Easy guys, easy!" shouted Charlie and stepped between them. "Let's take it down a notch. All right?"
"Bells, are you okay?" I asked her and looked worried at her hand.

"What's going on?" asked Charlie.
"I kissed Bella" said Jacob and my eyes went wide open.
'He did what now? And Charlie, lose the grin'

"And she broke her hand. Punching my face" said Jacob and I had to hold down a laugh. "Total misunderstanding"
"Let's go to Dr. Cullen. He'll look at Bella's hand. I'm driving her there" I said before Edward could intervene. "I still don't like you" I threatened him.

"Emma" said Bella.
"No buts! I'm driving you to their house and have Dr. Cullen look at you" I said and opened the door of her truck. "Jacob, keys, now" I said with an angry voice and he gave me the keys.
"Thank you, Emma" said Charlie and I got inside the truck.


"You don't have to be so mean to Edward, you know" said Bella.
"Look, I get that you love the guy. But he almost made you freeze to death because he thought it was a good idea to break up with you in the middle of a bloody forest!" I said and she rolled her eyes.

"I forgave him, why can't you? You forgave Jasper" she said.
"Jasper never lied to me. He told me honestly why they left and he didn't leave me in the middle of a forest" I said and sighed. "I am tolerating Edward for now, isn't that enough?"
"I guess so" she said.


"It's just a sprain" said Carlisle when he looked at Bella's hand. "It should heal fairly quickly"
"Trying to walk and chew gum at the same time again, Bella?" laughed Emmett when he saw her hand.
"I punched a werewolf in the face" said Bella.

"Badass. You're gonna be one tough little newborn" said Emmett.
"Tough enough to take you on" said Bella and I rolled my eyes.
Rosalie left the room and Bella looked at Emmett.

"Don't worry about it" he said.
"Jasper" I smiled when I sensed him.
"Hello darling, what are you doing here?" he asked when I walked to him.

"Bella hurt her hand punching Jacob" I said and he smiled.
"Got any leads?" asked Edward.
"No sign of the intruder" said Jasper. "But Victoria continues to make appearances"

"I hope that this is all over soon" I sighed.
"It will, don't worry about it" said Jasper and touched my shoulder.
"So, where is Alice?" I asked.

"Out hunting with Lewis" said Jasper and I smiled.
"How is her party planning going?" I asked.
"Don't remind her, it's horrible all the planning she's doing" he sighed and I wrapped my arms around him.

"Oh, you poor thing" I said and he smiled.
"Don't laugh with us, darling" he said and I chuckled.
"I wouldn't dream of it, cowboy" I teased him and kissed his cheek.

But my mood changed when I felt even more people die in Seattle.
"Darling? What's wrong?" he asked.
"Seattle... it's getting worse" I said and he calmed me down.


And then... we finally graduated...
I sat next to Jasper in the yellow gown they had given us, including the ridiculous hat.
'Well, this one is going to stand out in their collection'

"When we were five, they asked us what we wanted to be when we grew up" Jessica began her speech. "Our answers were things like astronaut, president, or, in my case, a princess. When we were ten, they asked again. We answered rock star, cowboy" I looked at Jasper who laid his arm around me, smiling. "Or, in my case, a gold medallist. But now that we've grown up, they want a serious answer. Well, how about this? 'Who the hell knows?'" we all began to cheer for her.

"This isn't the time to make hard-and-fast decisions. This is the time to make mistakes. Take the wrong train and get stuck somewhere. Fall in love a lot. Major in philosophy, because there's no way to make a career out of that. Change your mind, and change it again, because nothing's permanent. So make as many mistakes as you can. That way, someday, when they ask what we want to be, we won't have to guess. We'll know" finished Jessica her speech and she got a huge round of applause.

We got our diploma's and I smiled at Jasper. We had already spoken to Charlie about it and I would pack my things and move in with Jasper.
He had found us a little home, not too far from the Cullen's house, but still isolated from everyone.
But, first it was time for the party of the year...

"Hey, what did you think of my speech?" asked Jessica when Bella and I found her and Angela. "Too easy-breezy? Too self-helpful? You hated it?"
"No, I think you pretty much nailed it" said Bella.

"Yeah?" said Jessica. "It's like I was born to lead, right?"
"I love this song! Let's go" said Angela and took Jessica with her.
"So, you got your things?" asked Bella and I nodded.

"Yeah, after the party, Jazz is taking me to our home. I can't wait to see it" I said and smiled.
"I'm really happy for you" said Bella and I smiled.
"Thank you" I said.

I sensed the wolves and warned Bella.
Jacob walked closer and I sent him a warning look.
"Relax, I won't do anything" he said and I left them to find Jasper.

"So, you think we've stayed long enough?" I asked and Jasper took my hands and began dancing with me.
"No, Alice will kill us if we leave now" he said and twirled me around, making me laugh.

But I saw Alice and she was having a vision...
I went to her and Bella was there too.
"Alice, what did you see?" I asked.

"The decision's been made" said Alice.
"What's going on?" asked Jacob.
"You're not going to Seattle" said Bella.
"No" said Alice. "They're coming here"

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