Chapter 99

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Nathan Moore called Samantha the Saturday afternoon a week before her graduation. He had sent her a flower arrangement, not red roses, as congratulations on graduating and the phone call had been arranged through his lawyer.

Adam wanted to be there when she spoke to him but Samantha told him that she would prefer it if he wasn't.

She knew how Adam felt about Moore and she respected his feelings but she wanted to talk to him without distraction. Adam reluctantly agreed that his inclination would be to hover so he made her promise to limit the call to a half of an hour and he would leave so she could be alone.

She was grateful that he was supportive of her need to do this her way and so she found herself sitting alone on their little outdoor balcony enjoying the breeze when her cell phone rang. The call was being redirected through a third party so that Nathan would not have Samantha's direct telephone number and, although she no longer feared him, she did feel that it was a good idea for now.

"Hello" she answered.

"Hi, Samantha" came a clear smooth voice. "It's Nathan. How are you?".

"Hi Nathan. I'm fine, thank you. How are you doing? How are things in Texas?" Once he completed his treatment Nathan was given permission to return to his home state to finish his therapy where he had a large support base of friends and family.

"I'm doing okay. I've got my own apartment in the same building as Tracy so she has to give me some space" he laughed "but not too much. I'm lucky to have her. She's been my rock".

"My brother is my rock too, so I know what you mean. Tell me about your work. Are you finished your night courses?" And just like that they carried on a conversation like old friends. This horrible thing which had brought them together was leaving them both stronger.

At the end of their conversation Nathan thanked Samantha for talking to him.

"I probably won't call you again" he said quietly. "You and I both need to move on but I wanted to hear your voice for myself so I could believe that what I had done to you could be forgiven if not forgotten" Samantha felt teary.

"Nathan, I wish you nothing but the best of luck and I'm not carrying any resentment toward you, whatsoever. I hope that you are able to meet someone special to share the rest of your life with".

Samantha could hear Nathan clear his throat.

"Thank you, Samantha. I owe you more than you know and I will do everything that I can to take advantage of the second chance you've given me. Take care of yourself."

"You too, Nathan"

Adam was a little anxious when he came back home and he arrived to find Samantha still sitting out on the little balcony writing into a slim, leather-bound journal. He ran his hand over her hair and kissed her forehead before he sat beside her.

"Well, what are you up to here?"

She smiled at him, the love clearly showing in her eyes.

"I'm making us a cookbook" she said and Adam was a bit surprised and then realized that he shouldn't be. Samantha had her own ways of dealing and healing.

"A cookbook?" he asked.

"Yep. Since I'm going to be working full time soon, I thought that I should write out some of our favourites so that you can make me dinner on the days that you are home first" she laughed when he groaned.

She put the book down and got up from her chair. "I think that I would like a glass of wine. Can I get you a beer and we'll sit out here together while I tell you about my phone call?"

Adam tipped his head back to look at her while she stood beside his chair and she leaned down to put her lips tenderly to his. Eyes twinkling she added "I've already made dinner and it's staying warm in the oven so you get a break today" He swatted her on the butt as she moved toward the door "Bring me that beer, woman" and she laughed again.

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