Chapter 56

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Adam had spent most of Thursday morning moving stuff from his apartment to Samantha's with Jamie's help, the two of them quickly throwing things into boxes as they went from room to room.

None of the furniture belonged to Adam so the biggest thing that had to be moved was his weight machine which was going to have a temporary home at Jamie's apartment until he could make room for it at Sam's.

Most of the groceries were going to Jamie's too. Since Samantha was the better cook of the two of them she already had spices and oils and there was no need for more. Jamie on the other hand was a true bachelor and lived largely on takeout so he gladly took the food.

The Connors were thrilled with the development and even offered the use of their truck so Adam and Jamie could complete the move in less trips.

Thursday night after he and Samantha had gotten back home from the café they unpacked his stuff and did some rearranging. It was a great excuse to get some normal back in their lives after Moore's last little stunt and made them feel good to work together on this step.

Samantha smiled as she opened a box. Adam, or Jamie, had clearly just opened a dresser drawer or two and dumped the contents upside down into the box. She dragged it into the bedroom and emptied it onto the bed to start folding.

She didn't have a lot of clothes herself so had completely emptied her dresser, which mostly held t-shirts and jeans and repacked half of it with her newer, nicer clothes putting her older ones on the shelf in her closet leaving Adam half of a dresser for his own newer, nicer clothes and room for the rest of his on the shelf with hers in the closet. Eventually they would find a second dresser so that they could each have one but for now this would do.

By the time Friday came and Adam left for work, his stuff had been blended with hers in a comfortable mix that surprised and pleased them both.

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