Chapter 84

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Samantha was helping Ivy in the kitchen and setting the dinner table when Greg popped his head in to announce that he was going to quickly do his evening chores before dinner. Pretending to consider Samantha's pretty summer dress he cocked his head to the side. "You're not dressed for it but maybe you'd like to come along, Samantha?"

Surprised at the offer, Ivy bit her tongue and continued to chop the vegetables for the salad.

Adam might be the most serious of all of her boys and Greg the most playful but he was very serious when it came to the farm. He didn't like people handling the animals or coming near the equipment. Too much chance for things to go wrong, he thought and really, he was right. The milking equipment needed to be sterilized each time it was used and they couldn't afford for an animal to become sick. The fact that he invited Samantha meant that she had already won over his trust.

Samantha's face lit up. "I would love to Greg! Can I? Are you sure you don't mind?"

Chuckling at her obvious excitement "I just don't want to hear you complain that you got your nails dirty" he joked.

Her eyes twinkling she looked down at her feet and her strappy sandals. "I'm not worried about my nails or my dress but I actually would prefer not to step in any surprises that might be waiting for me out there".

Laughing, Ivy put her arm around Samantha. "My wellies are by the back door, Greg can show you. You're welcome to borrow them if you're sure you want to go out there" Samantha smiled widely before her smile faltered "Oh, but I don't want to leave you without help". Ivy shook her head. "I just have to check on the roast and then have nothing else to do until it tells me it's ready" Samantha squeezed Ivy enthusiastically around the waist quickly before bouncing toward Greg. "I'm all yours, Greg".

Ivy shook her head in amazement and watched out the window at the two of them chattering away together as they made their way toward the barn, Samantha looking cute with her summer dress swirling around her legs, knee-high green rubber boots on her feet and a flannel jacket, obviously one of Greg's, dwarfing her upper body. Greg was looking down at her adoringly as she hurried to match her stride with his.

Greg talked her through his evening routine as they made their way from animal to animal and building to building, the family operation being much bigger than Samantha had even imagined. Never much of a girly-girl Samantha was eager to get involved and Greg was very patient with her questions, letting her collect the eggs from the laying hens, help him with the feed and showing her the milking operation. She had a lot of questions about the care of the animals, specifically the medical care and vitamin supplements that the livestock required. "Ever think about becoming a vet?" Greg asked jokingly. "Never" she responded primly. "I don't want to ruin my nails" she gave him a gentle elbow when he laughed as they continued.

When they were finished and making their way back to the house, Adam stepped out of the kitchen door and stood on the stoop to wait for them, the shine on Samantha's face making his heart feel like it was about to burst.

Seeing his brother waiting, Greg put his arm around Samantha's shoulders while she continued to ask questions and chatter beside him. When Adam narrowed his eyes, Greg gave him a cheeky grin and placed a tender kiss to the top of Samantha's head and watched as Adam's jaw tightened. Oblivious to the brothers' reactions to each other Samantha gave Greg a quick one-armed squeeze around the waist when she felt the kiss to her head, before letting go again and putting both hands back on the handle of the egg basket. She did not want to be responsible for losing a half day's worth of eggs.

Lifting up her head she finally noticed Adam and felt the smile spread across her face. "Look what we've got" she called out to him and he stepped down from the stoop to meet them. He carefully took the basket from her hands and looked in at the eggs. "Nice haul" he said giving her a smile before turning to Greg with a scowl.

"Hold these" he said and shoved the basket not so gently into his brother's hands before grabbing Samantha and pulling her into a heated kiss while Greg howled with laughter beside them. Once her heart could catch up Samantha opened her eyes to see Adam looking down at her, quite pleased with himself, and Greg looking at her with a goofy grin on his face.

"What did I just miss?" she asked with mock disapproval.

Grabbing her hand and placing himself squarely between Greg and Samantha, Adam led her to the door. "Just Greg being an ass" he said dryly, which caused Greg to hoot again.

Dinner was delicious and Samantha was thoroughly stuffed by the time dessert was brought out. It amazed her how much all of Adam's brothers, Adam included, could eat. Declining dessert, with genuine regret, she sat and sipped a cup of tea while the others dove in.

Standing to clear the table, Samantha bent to kiss Ivy's cheek. "Thank you so much for dinner, Ivy. It was absolutely delicious".

"Please sit, Samantha".

"Oh no. In my family the cook doesn't do the dishes. You sit and have a cup of tea and let me do this. It won't take long at all."

Raising an eyebrow to her boys when Samantha left the room, Ivy sat back to sip her tea "Sounds like a wonderful family tradition" she said regally.

Smiling, Patrick got up and grabbed some plates and platters, stopping to kiss his mom on the cheek much like Samantha had. "I'll help her. Thank you for a great dinner, Mama"

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