Chapter 5

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Finn walked Samantha up to her door and went in with her.

Securing the lock behind them he wandered through the small apartment to check out the rooms.

Samantha rented converted apartment space above a garage belonging to an older couple who lived in the house attached. Her private entrance was at the side of the garage away from the house so her comings and goings were not always noticed by them but Finn knew that they kept an eye on her anyway. She could often be found visiting with them or running errands for them. It had always been her nature to help people but especially those that she cared about and she'd come to care for them a lot in the years she had been living there.

Like Adam said, she seemed to draw people to her and the Connors, her landlords, were no exception. Finn made a mental note to speak with them in the morning and let them know about the assault. Any extra eyes on Samantha couldn't hurt and he knew that they would worry about her.

Once he had completed his walk-through he stopped behind Sam who was leaning over the counter in the small kitchen area staring into a water glass. Gently he put his hands on her shoulders and turned her around to face him.

"Do you want me to stay tonight?" he asked.

Shaking her head she put her arms around him and rested her head against his chest. "No, I'll be fine" she gave him a squeeze before releasing him and walking around him toward the door. "Please apologize to Kelsey for me. I didn't mean to ruin your evening."

"Samantha – don't be stupid" Finn growled. "You are my family and you needed me. Kelsey gets it and I wouldn't want to be anywhere else". Waiting until she acknowledged this with a small nod he opened the door.

"Lock up behind me and I'll pick you up at 7:30 tomorrow".

"I told you I have a class at 8" she said wearily, "I can't go to the station until after that".

"I'm taking you to your class and I will pick you up after it and go with you to the station. I was taking tomorrow off anyway to help Graham open his cottage for the season so I'm free."

Releasing the breath she didn't realize she was holding, Samantha murmured "Okay Finn. Thanks." Looking up at him and hoping to lighten the mood a bit, she smirked "I love you, you big lug".

Grinning back at her he tugged her hair "Love you too Smalls. See you in the morning."


He waited on the tiny landing outside of her door until he heard the locks engage behind him and then made his way down the stairs. Driving slowly, he circled twice around her block before he headed for home worrying about his sister.

A Rose in ShadowOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant