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While they are on their way to Seulgi's apartment, Dahyun entered Jennie's apartment and check on her. When she saw that her friend is sleeping, she closes the door of her room and sits on the sofa.

5 minutes after, there is a knock on the door. She thought maybe it's Jisoo and Rosie so she walk towards it and gently opened it, but a tall man figured came to her sight.

"Lord Harry, it's nice to see you here" she smiled and bowed to him. Harry is with his two men behind him and give Dahyun a smile.

"Hello, you are?"

"Dahyun my Lord, I'm from Montealto" she replied.

"Oh, you're from my territory" Dahyun felt uncomfortable hearing the word territory but still smiled to him.

"Yes my Lord"

"This is Jennie's apartment right?" he asked with his sweet fake smile.

"Yes my Lord, please come in" she said and Harry with his men gladly goes inside the apartment.

"She's still sleeping, but I will wake her-" Harry then cut her off.

"No. I guess she oversleeps, its 10 already. Can I go to her room so I'll be the one to wake her up? Don't worry, Jennie's my friend and we've been doing since we were kids" Dahyun knows that because Jennie had said that to her, and because they are from the same place, she knows Harry and Jennie's friendship.

"Yes my Lord" automatically, Harry's lips curved upward.

Dahyun was left at the living room feeling uncomfortable with two men at the opposite chair.


"Look at you, so pretty and innocent. I can't blame Lisa for liking you, you're a jackpot" she's sleeping soundly like the control of the situation is on my side.

"But you two can't have a happy ending, because your lover took it away from me first the moment they killed my Dad" there's no way I'm suffering and then all of you are smiling with what is happening with your life right now.

"Hmmmm" she slowly opens her eyes and when they met mine, she flinched.

Yes Jennie, it's good that you're prepared to be scared.

"Harry? What are you doing here?" she sit straight and covers her smooth and white legs.

"Good morning Jennie, I'm here to fetch you" her eyebrows furrows and wear the PJ's under the blanket.

"What time is it?"

"It's going 11 now" she reach for her watch and her eyes widened when she saw the time.

"Oh my god! I slept for too long!"

"It's fine though. So are you ready?" my patience is trying me.

"Isn't it too early? You said dinner right?" I can just pull you out right now, but that won't a common move.

"Oh, I forgot to tell you. It's lunch Jennie, sorry it's a short notice that's why I came here to make sure to tell you by myself" she stand up from the bed.

"What's with the rush? And why it is moved? I'm sorry Harry but I'm not available for lunch" control yourself boy, just a bit more.

"That's why it's a change of plans Jennie, come on. You can take a bath there, we just need to be there now"


"That's why it's a change of plans Jennie, come on. You can take a bath there, we just need to be there now" now I'm getting uncomfortable with his words. How did he even get here? And where is Rosie?

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