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Dark had taken over the sky and you were sitting in your room, gazing at the dress that was in the bag. Nobara was coming over right now to help you get ready but you were deep in thought at why Itadori had run out earlier- he had practically left you whilst you were feeling that excited feeling you had never felt before. 

Your hands felt your sides where he had placed his, your heart beating faster just remembering the feeling. Nobara then knocked at the door, snapping you out of your little trance. When you opened the door she immediately entered, holding a bag in one hand and her dress in the other. "What in there?" You asked bluntly, she smirked at you and opened it, showing you cosmetics you had never seen before. Your head slightly tilted to the side, confused. 
"Makeup." She said, still smirking. Your eyes widened, you had never been allowed  to wear makeup- your father had never let you. 

Excitement took over and you placed yourself on your bed next to Nobara, grabbing something out of her bad and examining it as if it were something you'd never seen before. Nobara was curious as to why you were glaring at her mascara as if it were something that could hurt you. "That's Mascara." She explained taking it out of your hands and opening it up with her hands, she watched as your eyes widened and glistened with curiosity. Then your head snapped up towards her, 
"Can you makeup me?" You asked excitedly, not knowing the proper term for a makeover. Your friend was trying her hardest not to laugh at you, so instead she shuffled closer to you. 
"Are you ready to become another version of yourself?" She replied with a cheeky smile. You nodded excitedly and Nobara then startled you by pulling out various things from her bag that you'd never seen before. 

When she had finished with your face she pulled out a mini mirror and showed you yourself, except you didn't recognise who was staring back at you. In the reflection was a beautiful girl with long eyelashes and cat-like eyes. In reality Nobara had simply put some mascara and eyeliner along with some concealer but to you it felt like a lot. "I look...different." You stuttered as Nobara leant back, proud of her work. 

"Now put on your dress and lets go to this dance." 

The dance was going to be held out in the forest in a clearing that the second-years had set up, they had put speakers and tables where there was punch and other various drinks, they had also set up cute lanterns that illuminated the area. The second-years were now standing around with drinks in their hands, waiting for the first-years to arrive. Yuji was the first to arrive, he was dressed in some trousers and a baggy polo shirt that Gojo had told him to wear. His teacher had also suggested for him to unbutton the first few buttons at the top, to which Yuji agreed. 
"You look like an idiot." Maki and Mei said in unison, before looking at each other and clicking their tongue in annoyance. 

The Kyoto students were also here as it was their last day, Todo was standing by the speakers- not really knowing what he was doing here or why he had agreed to come. Secretly though he was looking forward to seeing what you had worn so he could take pictures to hang up in his room, but he'd never tell you this. Kamo on the other hand was sitting down, still in his school uniform, tapping his foot impatiently- he couldn't wait for this to be over so that he could go home. Nishimiya and Miwa were chatting together on one of the picnic benches that had also been set up by the second-years. 

Everyone was more or less dressed up nicely, Megumi on the other hand just arrived in his comfortable clothes to which he received a slap from Itadori, who was counting on him scrubbing up nicely. Clicking his tongue in disappointment Yuji looked around, trying to find you, he was still a little embarrassed due to what had happened in the changing room but he still wanted to see you. 

You entered the area, feeling the dress you had worn squeezing your figure tightly, and just on cue, everyone turned your way- widening their eyes. Nobara had grabbed your arm and led you to the speakers. "Why is everyone looking at me?" You asked her, raising an eyebrow. 
"Probably because you're the sexiest one here." Nobara replied smirking. 
Sexy, that was a term you had never been associated to before, so you gave her a little cheeky smile. 

Todo suddenly appeared behind you, his eyes wide with fascination at what you were wearing. You turned around and gave the bulky boy in front of you a weird glare, to which he pulled out his phone and asked you to take a photo with him. You gave him an awkward smile but agreed, nodding lightly before smiling widely as he took the photo. 

Yuji on the other hand was just staring at you from far away, he felt a pat on his back and suddenly found Nobara by his side with a smirk on her face. "Go and talk to her." She encouraged the boy who just stood there. 
"About what?" You asked, appearing from the other side of him, frightening the two- who shared the same braincell. Whilst they were talking you had walked back to them, that's how  you had suddenly appeared by his side. 

Whilst you were chatting and laughing to the two dumbasses, Megumi looked at you with wide eyes, he didn't know why his heart was beating so fast. You looked so beautiful in his eyes tonight, you had never worn makeup before so it was new to him to see you without your natural face and it made him feel a strange warmth spread across his chest. But then he saw you smile at Itadori with that true smile of yours and it made his heart twinge a little. 

You noticed Megumi's weird glare at you and you walked over to him, grabbing his arm and intertwining it with yours. You glanced up at him with innocent eyes, "Is everything ok Megumi?" You asked, tilting your head to the side a little. He nodded but didn't make eye contact with you which made you frown, letting go of his arm and walking back to Yuji. 

The dance was interesting, due to the fact that Gojo arrived at one point and began dancing, making a few others join in with him. But apart from that it was mainly just the Kyoto and Tokyo students chatting amongst themselves. It was nice and it made you smile due to the fact that it felt like you were finally coming out of your shell a little. Yuji also noticed how much you were smiling tonight and it made him even happier, you were currently chuckling about something with Nobara, but then he noticed she said something that made your face fall all of a sudden. 

"You like him don't you." Nobara said smirking, your smile instantly fell and you felt nervous. You had thought about this all day and came to the conclusion that you did but you didn't want Nobara to get involved in your business. 
"I-I- shut up Nobara!" You exclaimed, making her widen her eyes at your sudden outburst. Itadori was suddenly by your side with a concerned look on his face, he was staring down at Nobara. She rolled her eyes and huffed, walking away from the two of you. 

You decided this was a good opportunity and you grabbed Yuji's arm, pulling him away from everyone and moving you both to a more secluded spot where you could talk to him a little more freely, without caring about if anyone was listening. 

When you let go of his arm he rubbed it a little, as if you had hurt him but then he smiled. "What did you want to talk about?" He asked, he really didn't have a clue as to why you had brought him out this far into the woods. That was until he saw how red your face had become, that was when it finally clicked. He took a step towards you and rested his hands on your shoulders, "Look you don't have to tell me if you-"
"I am ready! S-So stop trying to belittle me!" You exclaimed frustratedly, "I've never felt like this before and I'm not going to risk losing you because I can't come to terms with how I'm feeling!" You added, before realising what you had just said and hiding your face in embarrassment. 
"I'm not going anywhere-"
"Shut up!" You shouted angrily, panting. 

"Everyones going to end up leaving you!" Your father shouted, throwing his chair to the side, you flinched and felt tears starting to build in your eyes. You shook your head and held it, memories of your mother holding you in her arms making your pain increase. That's when you started believing what he was saying, he left you crying in your room as you rocked backwards and forwards, trying to console yourself. 

You felt tears prick your eyes as you tried to console yourself in front of Yuji, you hated people seeing you weak. He took another step towards you and pulled you in like he usually did, embracing you as you tried to hit him to get him away from you, but he didn't budge. You were the one who had brought him out here but now you were trying to get him away from you.

"I-I like you Yuji." You muttered into his chest, quietly enough to think that he couldn't hear you, but he heard everything and smiled- hiding his smiling face in the crook of your neck. 
"I've been waiting for you to say those words." He said, pulling away so that he could see your face. 

God she's so beautiful, he thought to himself before placing a small kiss on your lips. You weakly smiled into the kiss, not wanting his warmth to leave you. 

You wished this moment could last forever. 

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