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The cursed spirit started walking towards you, speaking a strange language you couldn't recognise. You blinked a couple of times and then glanced in Toge's direction, he had lowered the zipper and you could see the markings around his mouth clearly. "Salmon, Caviar, Roe." He said, but suddenly before you could start thinking roots started sprouting out of the ground, heading steadily in your direction. You immediately started running from them, Inumaki followed just a bit behind you but eventually caught up.

You were now running along the roof of the school building, you glanced down into the open courtyard to see Megumi and Kamo in the middle of an important fight. That did't matter right now, you all had to be on the same side to defeat this special grade. "Megumi, run!" You shouted down, attracting the dark haired boys attention. His head suddenly snapped in your direction and looked above you just to see the roots growing and growing. The root was now aiming for Megumi, but he couldn't move, he was suddenly fixed to the spot watching you run with Inumaki- the fear tainted on both of your faces. 

"Run. Away." Inumaki said, those were the first actual words that you head heard him say and now you understood why he used random irrelevant words. You felt the power behind what he had just said and suddenly you began to run faster. Kamo and Megumi were now running away as well. You jumped down now to join Megumi and began running by his and Kamo's side, Inumaki kept glancing behind him at the roots that were following us all and you saw the pensive but fretted expression on his face. 

Just as you were about to arrive at the door to exit the premises, it exploded with roots heading towards you. The impact of the explosion threw you back, making you land on your knees- scraping them badly. You winced at the pain but then straightened back up, trying to ignore the burning feeling of blood running down your legs. Megumi glanced in your direction just to see you shakily get back up to your feet. "Are you ok?!" He shouted at you, you nodded and gave him a reassuring smile. He let out a sigh of relief, not noticing how badly you were bleeding from your knees. 

"Someone's activated a veil." You muttered, glancing up at the sky which was turning darker as the veil was activating. Once it was fully activated you looked back down to see the special-grade cursed spirit standing on top of the roots that it had created. 
"Why is there a cursed spirit at Jujutsu tech? Who does this veil belong to?" Kamo asked, not taking his eyes away from the spirit in front of us. 
"Probably the curse user working with that cursed spirit." Megumi replied. Toge let out a cute little cough due to the dust that had been lifted. 
"Do you know something?" It seemed like the question was now revolved to all three of you Tokyo students. 
"I think it's the special-grade cursed spirit that attacked Gojo before. It's appearance matches the report." Megumi replied sternly. You vaguely remembered Gojo talking about it and about the spirits that were working with a human, but they were really badly drawn examples of the spirits so you weren't too sure how Megumi was so sure about it. 
"Tuna with Mayo." Toge added, raising his hand to indicate to call your teacher. You had no idea how you had understood that but you were starting to get the hang of Toge's speech. 
"You're right. Let's contact Gojo." Megumi said, pulling out his phone from his pocket.
"Hold on, you understand what he's saying?" Kamo was in disbelief, you nodded but Megumi simply put the phone to his ear and said: 
"That doesn't matter right now. Our opponent might use a domain. Maintain our distance and retreat to Gojo-" 

Megumi was cut off by the whooshing sound of the Cursed spirit appearing behind Kamo and knocking Megumi's phone to the floor- instantly smashing it, you widened your eyes and instantly jumped back. Toge was the first to react, 
"Don't Move!" He yelled, you could see the soundwaves of his voice hitting the spirit, who instantly froze up and was struggling to move. That's when you all started reacting as well, Kamo brought out a blood packet and after ripping it open began manipulating it. 
"Blood Manipulation: Slicing Exorcism!" He yelled, throwing his attack towards the special-grade. It hit it but did little to no damage, it just looked like it had pissed off the spirit even more. Nue then appeared from the sky, buzzing with electricity and smashed into the spirit, but it didn't do anything. Neither did the physical attack you made with a cursed tool you had summoned. 

"It's tough." You mumbled under your breath, feeling the adrenaline kick in due to the fear coursing through your veins. Suddenly, you all heard a voice in your heads, as if you were tuning in to a radio frequency. 

"Stop it, foolish children. I merely wish to protect this planet, that's all." 

"It's a curse spouting nonsense, don't listen!" Kamo exclaimed, making your head spin in his direction. You didn't understand how you knew what the curse was saying but it was making you feel dizzy. You saw Megumi grab his hair in confusion as well, it seemed he was just as scared as you were due to the fact there was sweat dripping off his forehead. 
"This is on a whole different level than lower-grade cursed spirits." You said to them but before you could say anything else the curse continued talking. 

"The forests, the oceans and the sky all weep so vehemently that I can no longer stand it. It's impossible to co-exist with humans any longer. They know there are some humans who are kind to the planet. But how much does their affection even help?" 

It's established its own language system, you thought to yourself as you listened to your heart beating faster. 

"All they desire is time," 

"Get Inumaki out of here!" Kamo exclaimed, staring at the spirit that was still talking to them. 

"This planet can shine blue once more, given a bit of time," It spoke and suddenly roots burst out from the floor behind it, it's arm extending- it had gotten out of Inumaki's grip, "Time without humans, please die and become sages." It finished, extending it's roots once again towards you all. 

You refused to run away though, fighting it, in your head, was the only way it was going to get exorcised. You turned around and faced the roots, slashing every one that came your way. "(Y/n) run!" Megumi shouted desperately at you, but you ignored it. Instead you jumped up into the air and begun running down the roots towards the cursed spirit, loading up your fist with enough cursed energy for a black flash. Your mind became blank and you mustered up all the strength you possibly could, your fist began to glow with black cursed energy and before you could think twice you had already struck the cursed spirit, sending it backwards a few meters. 

It was shocked you had actually attacked it, "Little girl. Die." It said, instantly making roots spring out of the ground and go towards you. With all the energy you had left you began slicing and chopping at the roots, but as soon as one vanished, another emerged and it was slowly but surely tiring you out. 

Unfortunately the sheer force of the explosion from one of the roots coming out of the ground created such an impact that it sent you flying back- your head consequently smashing against the concrete wall, making you instantly black out. 

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