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You woke up in your bed, which made you frown in confusion because you swore you were with Yuji in the grass field. Yuji. He was alive. The thought gave you the energy to get out bed, you sprung to your feet and spun around happily, feeling a rush of happiness flood through your system. You were currently in the clothes you had been in last night, so you changed into your uniform and ran out of your room and opened the door to Yuji's room abruptly, not caring about knocking.

His room was empty, which made you frown again. Maybe last night was just a good dream, that thought suddenly put you in an awful mood. Megumi suddenly opened the door to his room, after hearing you slam Yuji's door shut.

"(Y/n)..." He said, his voice trailing off, seeing your confused but angry expression.

"I hope your ready for the exchange event Megumi." You gave him a weak smile and then walked past his room to go get breakfast on your own. He grabbed my arm as I tried to walk past and made me face him.

You looked at him with wide eyes, slithering out of grip but staying to hear what he had to say to you. "D-Don't use your cursed technique today." He stuttered. I scoffed at his little request and walked past him, ignoring his calls after you.

That's not actually what Megumi wanted to say, he just didn't want you to leave, he wanted to get breakfast with  you but didn't have the guts to ask, so instead those words came out of his mouth. After seeing you getting visibly annoyed at him he sighed and tried calling after you again, but all he could see was your back getting further and further away down the corridor.

"I'll see you at the exchange event then." He muttered, turning around and heading back into his room to get changed.


"Why are you all empty-handed?!" Nobara exclaimed, holding a pink suitcase in her hand, as if she was planning to go somewhere. You, Megumi and the rest of the second years were standing altogether, with nothing but your uniforms that you had on. The exchange event was going to be held here this year, but you knew that maybe Nobara had got the wrong idea about what was actually going to happen.

"What are you doing with that luggage?" Panda asked back, I looked up at him and then back at Nobara, who was standing there with her mouth agape.

"What do you mean, we're going to Kyoto right? For the exchange event with our sister school in Kyoto." 

"It's an exchange event with our sister school in Kyoto...held in Tokyo." I explained, watching my friends face fall and then become angry.

"NO WAY!!!" She shouted, grabbing her hair in frustration.

"No wonder our conversation have been a bit off lately." Maki said, while Nobara was still screaming to herself in the background. I chuckled and then started playing around with my hair, braiding a small part of it.


"Salmon." Inumaki added, you looked at him this time with a raised eyebrow, surprisingly understanding what he was trying to say. You had gotten used to him not talking properly but you had never once understood what he was actually trying to say.

"It's held at the school that won the previous year." Panda said, seemingly fed up with Nobara's annoying yelling. You on the other hand found it quite entertaining to see her so annoyed. When she heard what Panda said she ran up to him and grabbed him by the fur.

"Then don't go winning you idiots!" She growled.

"We weren't in it last year! Only Yuuta participated to make the numbers match up!" Panda wheezed, wanting desperately for her to let go.

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