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Breakfast was usually a boring meal, you would go out to the corner shop and buy yourself a banana milk or something alone those lines. But today was different, just as you were about to put your shoes on and head out you heard a knock at your door, your eyes snapped in that direction and tried to figure out who it was, it certainly wasn't Megumi as he'd never come and visit you this early, he was usually out training with his demon dogs.

You got up to your feet and went and opened the door, just to find the new student Itadori, standing there with two bowls of rice and dried seaweed. Confused, you tilted your head to the side. Itadori suddenly seemed flustered, as if what he was doing seemed better in his head than when it was executed. "I thought we could eat together-" You closed the door in his face, it's not like you didn't want to- in fact that rice and seaweed seemed rather appetizing but you needed to hide the blush that had risen to your cheeks. No one had ever made the kind gesture of making you food, let alone want to eat it with you.

Itadori didn't give up easily though and he knocked again with a frown upon his face. It took you a moment to regain yourself and open the door once again. Just to be met with Itadori smiling brightly again. "Why do you want to eat with me, we barely know each other." You stated, keeping up your unfazed facade up quite nicely. 
"Exactly! I thought we could get to know each other!" He replied without hesitation. 
"No." You said back, beginning to close the door again but failing as he stuck his foot in the doorway so that you couldn't close it, "Itadori Yuuji, if you don't get your foot out of the way-"
"Or what? You gunna fight me?" He sounded almost excited that you were picking a fight with him. Sighing, you opened the door for him but stood in the doorway so that he couldn't slip past you. 
"Fine," You sighed, giving in, "But we're eating in your room." He nodded in response and you got out of your room and followed him into his. 

His room was pretty bare, it didn't have much on the walls except a poster of a girl in her bikini. You let out a 'tsk' and looked around, trying to find a place to sit. Itadori had sat down on his bed and was patting a space opposite him with his now free hand, after he had put your bowl next to him. Your eyes widened, he expected you to sit on his bed? You fought back another blush and bit your lip. "Fine." You whispered under your breath, these things he was making you do were all new. You had never sat on a boys bed, except for Megumi's, but he didn't count because he was basically a brother to you. 

"So, (Y/n)..." He dragged out your name a little, but he was happy that you were sitting with him eating, because that way he wouldn't have to be alone, "What's your 'special power'" He asked with a bright beam, you almost spat out the rice that was in your mouth. He had gotten straight to the point which had kind of pissed you off, you had to admit that you hated small talk but you weren't going to answer this question of his. 
"You know I'd appreciate silence while I eat." You replied, constantly upholding a monotone voice. But Itadori saw the kind shine in your eyes, he could tell you weren't telling him for a reason so he kept quiet and didn't reply, at least for a couple of seconds. 
"Silence is boring, tell me about yourself."
"Well for one, I hate small talk." You snapped, scooping up a bit of rice in your chopsticks and shoving it in your mouth. 

The birds were tweeting happily outside, and in the moment of silence that lingered after you had said that, it was all you could hear. "You hate talking in general by the looks of it." He replied in a cheeky sort of tone. 
"I do not hate-" You began in an angry tone, but then coughed awkwardly and lowered your head, "I mean, it's convenient not to talk." An aura of embarrassment filled the room and the only sound you heard was Itadori's second chuckle. It was a chesty sort of chuckle, the type that would usually make someone smile when they heard it, and you almost did before you realised what you were doing and shoved some more rice into your mouth to stop you from doing so. You felt like you hadn't smiled truly in so long, sure you had to smile for Gojo otherwise he'd tease you for being so serious but that wasn't a real smile. He had almost caught you off guard again, and just the thought of that made you very uncomfortable. 
"I think I've got to go and get ready, seeing as we're going to pick up the next new student." You mumbled to yourself, getting up off his bed, leaving behind the bowl of rice you had now finished. 
"Alright, see you around," Yuuji replied, a smile still on his face, you looked at him for a split second, almost jealous of how happy he was. You found yourself staring at his face, examining his features, the sun was beaming down on them and making them ever so more prominent. 

He's not that bad looking, you thought to yourself. 

"Is there something on my face?" He asked, tilting his head to the side. Suddenly you realised how long you had been scaring and felt your cheeks get redder. 
"Uh yeah, uhh- rice- y-you've got rice on your cheek." You replied stuttering, almost not able to formulate a sentence. Itadori's hand reached up and brushed his cheek, a bit of rice falling onto his bed. 
"Oh yeah, thanks!" He said cheerily, but you had already walked out of the room- too embarrassed to even say goodbye to him. Itadori was left sitting on his bed alone again, but this time he had a cheeky grin on his features, "She's interesting." He sighed to himself happily, before finishing his rice and began to get ready to leave.  

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