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Third Person POV

  "Clay." Wilbur said shortly through the phone. George had specifically told Wilbur to answer the phone call from Clay. Wilbur was very against answering it until George had finally said that it was important.

   "Wilbur I need you to listen to me okay. I know you are mad at me and given how this situation seems I'd be mad too. Just listen." Clay said sternly. Wilbur scowled.

   "Talk now before i hang up." Wilbur grumbled sitting down onto his bed. Clay took in a large breath before he began speaking.

   "That photo that you all had seen was from two years ago. The girl in the photo is my crazy ex girlfriend Brooke. She had taken that photo at a party the two of us had went to a long time ago." Clay paused as he heard Wilbur mumble something under his breath.

   "Wilbur you may not believe me and there is nothing I can do about that but I love Hadlee more than I have ever loved anyone. Wilbur I would never try to put her in a place where I hurt her." Wilbur didn't know what to think honestly. Something about the way Clay spoke made Wilbur want to believe him but then he would think back to the face Hadlee wore when he first arrived at Tommy's. Wilbur was conflicted.

   "Clay I don't know what to believe." Wilbur said running a hand through his hair.

"I know, but Wilbur look at the photo that was sent out. My hair in the photo is a lot shorter than it is now and my face just looks over all different." Clay pushed. Wilbur looked over the photo and agreed. The photo does seem quite old and out of date.

"Who do you think would do something like this? Especially to Hadlee, she is such a sweet girl." Wilbur mumbled out.

"I am guessing my ex is behind this all. She has always done something like this when I started to talk to someone new. I don't know how she found out about Hadlee because she is blocked on everything but it happened. I also don't know how she had gotten Hadlees number. She is crazy though. She will do absolutely anything to break me up with a girl." Clay rambled. Wilbur pursed his lips before sighing.

"I-... I believe you Clay. You have all of the proof here. I believe you." Wilbur spoke. A smile made its way onto Clay's lips as the words left Wilburs mouth.

"Wilbur how can I talk to her?" Clay asked. Wilbur hummed for a moment and thought.

   "There is no way Tommy is going to let you talk to her over the phone. He is like some guard dog towards her lately." Wilbur said with a small chuckle.

   "So what do I do Wilbur. I NEED to talk to her ?" Clay asked desperately. He had added emphasis on the word need to show that he truly does need to speak to her.

   "Honestly Clay your best bet is to fly out here. I know the plane tickets can be quite expensive but in the end I think that it in the only way to talk to her." Wilbur explained. Clay hummed quietly. Quickly Wilbur had helped Clay book a flight for a few days from now.

   "How mad will Tommy be when I get there?" Clay asked. Wilbur let out a decently loud laugh.

   "You'll probably get your ass beat. Like I said earlier, Tommy has been like a guard dog towards her. He always makes sure she is safe and feeling well. We all have honestly." Wilbur rambled. Clay nodded. He was glad she was okay.

   "I have to go now Wilbur but I will see you in a few days." Clay said. Wilbur hummed.

   "See you in a few days." Wilbur spoke before the call was cut.

   "This is about to get messy." He mumbled before turning and walking out of the room.

Ahhhh a shorter filler chapter but that's okayyyy. 

Precious Moments ~Dreamwastakenحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن