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Third Person POV


   "Tommy!" Hadlee exclaimed back to the British boy. It was currently one am for Tommy but he felt the need to call Hadlee.

   "Can I come to America to see you?" He asked clearly half asleep. Hadlee let out a small giggle.

"Tommy you need to sleep." She spoke softly as she was writing down the answers to her homework.

"What why!" He exclaimed.

"Because it's midnight for you." Hadlee said laughing. Tommy groaned and rolled over so he was looking up at his ceiling.

"What does it being midnight have to do with me coming to see you in America?" He questioned.

"Tommy you hate Americans." Hadlee spoke with pursed lips. She watched through the phone as Tommy let out an agreeing shrug.

"Americans are quite dumb...." He trailed off.

"But I want to see you. It's been a while." He finally finished after a few seconds of silence.

"I mean of course I miss you too Tommy but I don't think motherinnit or fatherinnit would come all the way to America with you." Hadlee said putting her pencil down on top of the paper she had just finished.

"Fatherinnit already came to America with me though! He can do it again!" Tommy said letting out a Huff. Hadlee giggled and shook her head.

   "Goodnight Tommy." She spoke softly. Tommy hummed before mumbling a goodnight. Hadlee hung up on the boy and sat her phone on the corner of her desk.

   Although it didn't stay there long since her phone had begun to ring once again. With a sigh she picked it up and put it up to her ear.

  "Hello." She said.

   "Hey, Lee." His voice rang through the call. It had felt like years since that last talked but what had only been two days.

  "Hey Clay." Hadlee spoke quietly. Clay had been with family for the past two days so he hadn't been able to talk to her much.

 "I missed you." He mumbled. Hadlee heard the noise of things fumbling around in the background before she heard Clay let out a loud sigh.

   "I missed you too." She said with a giggle. She put her homework away and moved over to the bed where she could finally lay down after sitting at her desk for hours.

    "It has only been two days but it feels like years since we last talked." Clay mention letting out a deep chuckle.

   "I agree. How was being with family?" She asked him before getting comfortable in her bed. Clay had quickly switched the call to facetime which Hadlee accepted. She noticed the bags under his eyes and how tired his eyes had looked. 

   "Oh my gosh, Clay! You need to sleep. You look so tired." Hadlee exclaimed softly. Although Hadlee had tried to seem strict on her answer Clay could tell how gentle her voice was. He also knew Hadlee and knew that she wouldn't push someone to do something.

   "I will, I will! I just wanted to talk to you." Clay grumbled getting into his bed. Hadlee shook her head with a small smile on her face. Instead of sleeping Clay lay on his bed watching Hadlee and she scrolled through something on her laptop. Hadlee had yet to notice the boy watching her as she was deep into going through Twitter. 

   Clay used this to his advantage and began taking facetime screenshots. Finally, she turned back to the boy and noticed him looking at her with a goofy smile. She scrunched her eyebrows before raising her eyebrow at him.

   "Aren't you supposed to be sleeping?" She asked. His smile widened and he shook his head.

   "Nope, it's only six. That's too early to sleep." He said with a bright smile. Hadlee scowled.

  "Well, it's nap time." She mumbled closing her laptop. 

  "Sing to me." He spoke out of nowhere. Hadlee's eyes snapped over to his. 

   "I-I don't sing." She stuttered out. Clay shook his head.

   "I heard you singing in the shower. You have a beautiful voice. So sing to me." He pushed. Hadlee pursed her lips before standing up and walking out of frame. Clay had frowned until she had come back into the frame, a guitar in her hand.

  Clay had gotten comfortable in his bed as Hadlee strummed the first note. She softly sang All I Want by Olivia Rodrigo. As she sang the last note she heard soft snores come from her phone. She looked down at her phone and noticed Clay's eyes shut. He looked peaceful. She picked up her phone and took a quick screenshot.

   "Sleep well Clay." She spoke softly but she had paused. She pursed her lips before she spoke.

   "I love you." She mumbled quietly before pressing the red hang-up button. As the facetime ended Clay's eyes had shot open. They were wide and his cheeks were flushed red. He looked down at his phone.

   "I love you too Hadlee." He spoke softly before closing his eyes and drifting back off to sleep. 

Precious Moments ~DreamwastakenDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora