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Third person POV

"Ugh Zach I just miss him so much." Hadlee mumbled looking up at the sky. The two friends sat at the park, the day before Zach was leaving to go back to camp.

"I know Hadlee. It's okay though. You guys still talk everyday. It's not like you'll never see him again." Zach laughed. Hadlee grumbled again, keeping her gaze on the sky above.

   "Do you trust him with him being there and you being here?" Zach asked randomly. Hadlee's gaze snapped over to his.

   "Of course I do. Why wouldn't I?" Hadlee asked genuinely confused.

   "Well I'm not gay but Clay is quite the attractive man and Nick seems to be a party animal. All it takes is one party with the wrong people." Zach pointed out. Hadlee pursed her lips and looked away from Zach.

   Zach was right honestly but Hadlee didn't want to think about that. She doesn't think Clay would do something like that, or deep down she hoped he wouldn't, but he is there and she is here.

   "Not to put any thoughts into your head. Clay seems like a great guy and I don't think he would ever do that to you, but if he is drunk who knows what would happen." Zach finished. Hadlee nodded slowly and shifted uncomfortably.

That night Hadlee had declined all calls from Clay and Nick. She was too stuck in her own head to realize how worried they had become.

   She didn't want to think that Clay would ever cheat on her. She never even thought about the chance of it until Zach had pointed it out.

   Without really thinking Hadlee picked up her phone and went to the contact that she knew about would help her the most in this situation.

   "Eyyy mammacitaaaa." Alex's voice flew through the speaker.

   "Do you think Clay would ever cheat on me?" Hadlee asked right from the start. This question had caught Alex Quackity off guard.

   "W-Why do you ask this?" He asked genuinely wanting to know.

   "Do you think he would Alex." The way Hadlee spoke Alex knew something was up with her.

   "No I don't think he would. Clay is head over heels for you." Alex said with a smile even though she couldn't see him.

   "But he is in Florida and I am here. At one point Alex he will get tired of FaceTime and texting. He will want someone who can be there with him all the time." Hadlee rambled. Pain shot through Alex's chest as he heard his best friend ramble.

   "Clay won't do that to you Hadlee. He loves you." Alex tried to reassure her but it one an incident where it went into one ear and straight out the other.

   "I have to go." Hadlee rushed before hanging up and powering off her phone. She threw the phone across the room in frustration. The phone landed on the fluffy white beanbag she has sitting in the corner of her room.

   She couldn't get out of her own head. Each thought felt like a bird pecking at her brain. She let out a loud scream from frustration before laying down on her bed.

  Little did she know that her phone was being blown up by all her friends.

    After a few hours of just laying in bed she finally got up and grabbed her phone. She turned the phone on and was instantly bombarded with texts from her friends.

   Although she had tons of messages from her friends one stuck out to her. A message from an unknown number.

   Clicking it, her heart dropped. A blurred picture of a girl and Clay kissing. At the bottom of the pictures a text was there.

   Looks like he truly didn't love you like he said he did xx

Precious Moments ~DreamwastakenOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora