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Third Person POV

"I'm here fuckers!" Oh no.

"Sapnap!" Both Karl and Quackity exclaimed. The two ran over to the man and took turns tackling him into a hug. Hadlee stood off to the side and laughed at their interaction.

"Kiss me my husbands!" Sapnap exclaimed. The two boys laughed and blew kisses towards Sapnap, who dramatically accepted them.

Sapnap then turned to the girl and ran over to her, pulling her into a big hug. The girl laughed and hugged back.

"I missed you!" He exclaimed shaking her around like a doll. Her laugh was contagious and made the other two boys laugh with her.

"I missed you too Nick!" She said smiling at him when he let her go. With a loud content sigh he grabbed Karl and Quackity's hands and pulled them towards the door.

"I'm taking my husbands out for the day! Bye bitch!" Hadlee didn't have time to reply before the two were pulled out of the house. With a laugh Hadlee shook her head and walked towards her room.

BigH_Davis: Sapnap came and stole Quackity and Karl from me :(

Sapnap: they like me better :)
BigH_Davis: no they don't. But I miss them bring them back :(
Sapnap: no.

Dreamwastaken: call me :))
BigH_Davis: Okayy!! :))

Tubbo: Tubbo
BigH_Davis: Tubbo

Tommyinnit: Hahaha stupid Americans
BigH_Davis: Shut up Child!

Hadlee pulled out her phone and instantly went to Clay's contact. The phone had rung twice before Clay had picked up. Clay had the phone propped up against his water bottle as he smiled brightly at the girl.

"Hi." He spoke softly. The girl smiled at him. An award winning smile to him. He loved seeing the smile on her face.

"Hello Clay!" She exclaimed softly. His smile widened.

"Want to play on the SMP?" He asked getting on his computer. With a quick nod Hadlee got on minecraft. She logged onto to the server in the place she logged off. The house she built that is directly above Clay's.

Tubbo: Hello Hadlee!!
Addieplayz: hi tubs!!
Tommyinnit: dumb American.
Addieplayz: dumb child.
Ranboo: Hadlee!!
Addieplayz_: Ranboo!!

   "I'm on my way over to you now." Dream muttered. A few moments later Hadlee saw the Minecraft character running closer. He was in a full set of enchanted netherite armor.

   When he got in front of her he shifted and unshifted before throwing her a blue orchid. She smiled brightly and followed him, doing the shifting and unshifting.

Hadlee had hung up on Clay when he said he had to be afk to go talk to his sister. She wanted to respect his privacy. She had went onto discord and looked through the Dream SMP channels to see who was in what channel. When she noticed Tubbo and Tommy in V2 she was quick to join.

"You you fucking idiot!" Tommy exclaimed. Tubbo argued back inaudibly.

"Hello guys!" Hadlee exclaimed in a soft voice. The two instantly stopped arguing.

"Hi Hadlee!" Tubbo and Tommy exclaimed loudly, welcoming the girl. Hadlee let out a giggle at the two.

"Hadlee walk with me!" Tommy yelled into his mic. With a soft okay Hadlee followed behind the sixteen year old boy.

"You aren't streaming right?" Tommy asked. Hadlee shook her head but realized that Tommy couldn't see her. She said no quietly as she followed him.

"Good. Could you possibly fly out to the UK in two weeks for Wilburs birthday. Everyone is going to be there and we know Will would want you to be there." Tommy explained. Hadlee let out a soft hum.

"I will have to book a flight. Where will I stay?" Hadlee questioned.

"My house. Like always. Also if you want to stay some time after I know my mom would love to have some girl time with you!" Tommy exclaimed happily. Hadlee let out a laugh. She had loved Tommy's mother.

"I would love to Tommy." She said smiling brightly. Hadlee heard Tommy and Tubbo celebrate after she finished her sentence.

"I GET TO MEET YOU IN REAL LIFE HADLEE!" Tubbo yelled. Hadlee laughed again.

"I can't wait to meet you tubs!" Hadlee said honestly.

After spending some time on the server with Tommy and Tubbo, the three boys came back to the house. Hadlee said goodbye to the people on the server and sent Clay a quick text before she logged off.

Hadlee made her way to the laughing boys who all sat on her couch.

"How was your day?" She asked sitting down on the chair in the room. They all began explaining their day. Hadlee loved hearing how good of a time they had in her small town.

The four of them decided to just watch a movie to end their night. It was a nice way to end all of their days.

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