Phantom and Night Chap 23

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Chapter 23

Liam's POV

Back then the sky was deep blue.. now it was burning in mixture of orange and red skies. The dark smoke dances with the strong winds. Not even the rain can calm the wrath of those flames. It will take a strong storm to stop it.

"Liam.. Why?"

"Trust me. Ren.. Trust me."

It hurts so much. Much more than the wounds all over my body. It won't heal. Not fast enough to stop the bleeding. Not fast enough for me to take the next attack.


"Go!! Take him away!! Fuck go, Liam!!"

It was chaos..


"Liam.." I was running.. bleeding..

"Li.. am.." I froze.. This was..

It's not my blood.

"Wa.. Warren?" I forgot to breathe..

Kurt's words echoing in my head together with the ringing in my ear..

"Human's are not like us.. they don't heal.."

"I'll tell you now, the bitter truth. I've dealt with half-vampires for centuries. All of them are quite the same. They get sick. Some die.."


Fucking how?!! I didn't let any shot touch him!

"Ren? Warren.. Ren.. c'mon baby.. open them.." I completely froze in a sea of dead bodies swimming in an ocean of blood.

"Ren? Where are they.. I told you baby, open them.. God Warren open your eyes!!"

I fell on my knees but I didn't felt it. I was so numb.. I can't feel anything but my eyes burning.. even my heart felt cold.

"Wa.. rren.."

It felt so cold and frozen. Then it broke. Shattering so loudly in my ears.


It fell clattering in the dark empty space in my chest. One by one.. my heart was breaking to pieces..

"Open.." I buried my face on the curve of his neck. His skin felt colder than my own.

Every piece that fell, hurts.. it hurts more than the deep wounds and hard blows I took..

"Open.. open! Open!!!!! Open them!!! Look at me!!! Look at only me!!! Even just once.. hahaha... once.. haha!!" I laughed.. why am I laughing..? when tears are staining my face? Falling on his skin..

Warren.. Look at me..

"What did I do all this? Ahaha.. for what?! On fucking what?! You can't leave me.." I tip my head back and laugh hysterically.


Loud.. breaking laugh. Snorting.. and then my sobs broke it. I broke it when the last piece of my heart fell..

I felt cold.. I froze..

I was so.. cold.





Open them..



I feel so cold. I turn my head and there it was.

A very warm light.

"Liam!!! ...... Open---!!"


"Open your eyes! Please!"

"Wake up!!!"

I did.. I was so glad I did.

I escaped.. I went back to where he is..

Even though he was shedding tears.. though he looked pained..

I will still choose any place where I can see those eyes..


"Warren.." I cried.. and he did too.

"Liam.. I was so scared.. you won't wake up. I was so *sniffles* scared.. you were screaming.. It hurts.. I felt it.. You were hurting so bad.. Liam.. I'm sorry."

Why is he apologizing? He just saved me.

"I love you.." I whispered between my sobs and his..

"Mm.. I love you too.. so much.." I couldn't calm down..

I was shaking so badly.. Sobbing so loudly..

But I was not cold anymore..

He was my warmth.

And just like that my heart was whole again.

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