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April 25, 2006

" Yanny he's not coming." Teyana cried, to Yannick. Today was the day of Teyana's senior prom and her date cancelled an hour before prom.

" Stop crying. I done told you bout allat crying, you to pretty fa that. Fuck that nigga fa not showing up for you. You gone have a good time anyways without him, cause you don't need no nigga." Yannick spoke.

" I'm sorry, you know how I get when things don't go my way." she sniffled, wiping her tears.

" You don't gotta apologize. Go head to ya lil prom and show out." he said.

" Have fun at your game, you better ball out. I love you." Teyana smiled.

" Ight, love you too. I'm going to ball out just for you." he said, before hanging up the phone. 

Teyana touched up her makeup before heading downstairs.

" Aww look at my baby girl."  Anita, her mother, cooed, as she came down the stairs.

" You clean up nice lil sis." Kasean, her twin brother, said nudging her.

" Boy please you know I look good. And second I'm definitely older than you." she responded, pushing his head.

" Yana you look so pretty." Bridget, Kasean's girlfriend, said.

" Me, you look beautiful. I don't know how my ugly ass brother pulled you." Teyana said, making her brother roll his eyes.

" Teyana, don't get beat today." Anita said, pointing at her making them all laugh.

" Y'all come downstairs so we can send these kids off." Anita yelled, up stairs.

" Damn. My baby girl all grown up." Dwayne, Teyana's dad, said hugging her. " You look beautiful."

" Thanks daddy." she smiled.

" What about me, old man?" Kasean asked, making Teyana laugh.

" You so damn needy, damn. " Dwayne said, rolling his eyes. " But son you look sharp, I wasn't expecting any less considering how much I spent on that damn suit. Bridget you look beautiful." he complimented and they both thanked him.

" Teedy." Teyana heard as her niece, Jashae, came running down the stairs.

" Hey princess." Teyana said, picking her up.

" Pretty." Jashae said, rubbing on Teyana's dress.

" You don't see mama and daddy ?" Kasean asked, and Jashae just scrunched her face making Teyana laugh.

" Teedy wins again." Teyana laughed.

" Y'all look pretty." Milla, Teyana's sister, complimented. They couldn't respond because Teyana's little brother interrupted.

" Don't lie ta them. They look bad." Kareem, Teyana's younger brother, said, making all of them roll there eyes.

" Ok mr. I can't sleep by myself." Kasean teased, making Teyana and Bridget laugh.

" Kareem stop lying all the time. They look nice." Nae, Teyana's younger sister, complimented. They all made sure to thank her.

" Where's  Riah?" Teyana wondered, referring to her youngest sister.

" Napping." Anita answered, and she nodded.

They took a few family pictures before everyone sent them off to prom.

at prom

Once they pulled up to prom it was completely packed and there was a long line to get inside. As she was waiting she noticed her brother kept looking behind them. 

" I heard somebody needed a prom date." Yannick said, tapping Teyana's shoulder.

" Oh my gosh, Yanny." she smiled. " Don't you have a game to be at ?" she wondered, hugging him.

" They'll be fine without me." he waved off. " You thought I was gone let you go to prom by yourself ?" he asked, rapping his arm around her shoulder.

" I mean, yeah." she answered.

" Wha kind of best friend would I be if I left you hanging like that. I said I gotchu for life didn't I?" he said.

" Yea." she mumbled.

" Exactly, I'll never you leave you hanging. Always remember that." he said, and all she could is smile.

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