Chapter 24

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My Bridesmaids. My Sisters.

Dearest reader, a question.

Is anything more exhilarating than taking a gamble?

For it is often the highest risk that carries the greatest reward. Yet, wager wrongly, and you might find yourself left with nothing but regret.

Of course, one can never know for sure whether a wager will make a fortune or ruin it, unless one chooses a more secure pursuit.

But as the season continues, the biggest gamblers have yet to truly show their hand...which leaves gossip in short supply in recent days.

In fact, this author can think of no other event that merits a mention.

Carlton House, London

"No other event," the Queen stated in disbelief as she read the latest Whistledown. "But my luncheon."

"At least she did not say anything odious," Brimsley pointed out, and Charlotte, who was sitting next to her mother, nodded.

"It is far worse," she stated and put down the scandal sheet. "She wrote nothing."

"Only of the Princess' wedding to the Bridgerton man," Brimsley remarked, and the Queen glared at him. "Your Majesty..."

"Do not worry, Mama. Lady Whistledown only cares for scandal, or gossip. Despite the unexpected presence of the Featheringtons, nothing bad happened at your luncheon," she said.

"I presume," the Queen muttered and sighed. "Any plans for today, Daughter?"

"I am going to ask the Bridgerton girls to be my bridesmaids," she explained. "And that includes the Duchess of Hastings."

"All the Bridgerton girls?" The Queen asked.

"Of course," she chuckled and stood up from the sofa. "Besides, they are my family too."

"I know, I know," her mother nodded. "Remember to inform him of choosing a supporter. And you need a pageboy."

"I remember," Charlotte nodded with a small smile. "I am going to Hastings House before going to the Bridgertons'. Do you need anything else from me?"

"No, darling," the Queen said, the Princess kissed both of her mother's cheeks, and made a curtsy before walking out of the room.


Hastings House, London

"Her Royal Highness The Princess Royal, Your Grace," Rose announced Charlotte's presence in the room Daphne was currently in.

"Thank you, Rose," Daphne smiled at the sight of her best friend. "And thank you for coming, Char. Would you like some tea?"

"Yes, please. Thank you," she nodded. Daphne told Rose to get them some tea, and once her maid walked out the door, Charlotte turned towards the duchess. "Something tells me we have lots to talk about."

"Indeed," she sighed.

"Why don't you start by you telling me of your life as a newlywed?" Charlotte suggested as the two sat down on the sofa. "I am to be one myself soon."

"Just two more weeks and you'll be married to my brother," she nodded with a tired smile, and took a deep breath. "Oh my, how do I start?"

"Perhaps by explaining why 'Simon's duplicity comes so naturally'?" She asked. "If you want to, of course."

[1] The Princess Royal | B. BridgertonWhere stories live. Discover now