Chapter 11

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Prince Friedrich of Prussia

Dearest reader, it is often said that those who marry in haste must repent at leisure, a sentiment that is clearly shared by Miss Daphne Bridgerton, who has apparently rejected not one, not two, but three proposals already this week.

Some believe she is showing admirable forethought in her deliberations, but I would venture a different conjecture, that she, like this author, is still waiting in the only suitor of note.

Bridgerton House, London

The Princess never left Anthony's mind. He couldn't sleep, not after what his mother said last night, and specially not after the day he spent with Charlotte.

"What would your husband do as a Duke?" Anthony wondered.

"Well, a duke is a ruler of a county, territory or domain. In my future husband's case, as far as I know, my brother, George, would grant him the title and we would move to the palace closest or in our 'domain'," she explained, and chuckled. "He would be quite busy, I presume. And then when, or if we have a family... I believe he becomes the 'man of the house'."

"You believe?" Anthony asked, and she sighed.

"We, as royals, cannot do much without the Prime Minister or Cabinet's permission when it involves our 'reputation', or if whatever we do is a 'life or death' situation," she explained with a sad smile. "Which is why I cannot marry just any man. With the dukedom comes great responsibility. There are so many rules to follow, prohibitions... Following someone else's orders can be...quite annoying."

"I– I understand," he nodded, and a forced smiled reached his face. "You deserve someone who could give you all his attention."

"Indeed," she nodded slowly. "And if whoever I marry ends up being a wolf, he cannot be caged perhaps as much as Cabinet desires him to."

The Princess sighed and reached for his hand from across the table. Anthony stared at it, and a small -genuine- smile graced his face.

"Thank you for being with me today," she smiled. "I– I had no idea George would banish him from London."

"It was a pretty...extreme decision, but if I had the privilege and power... I would have exiled him from the country," he said sincerely. "Berbrooke humiliated my sister, and my best friend. Daphne and you. Two of the most important women in my life... So, Princess, do not feel guilty for something that was not your fault. Because Berbrooke got what he deserved."

Anthony snapped out of his thoughts when Hyacinth yelled at Gregory to leave her alone. So, he grabbed a newspaper and tried to occupied his mind with something else.

Although, everyone wondered, why the in drawing room of their house were a few of the Princess' favorite flower. White and red roses.

"Are all these arrangements for Daphne?" Colin asked his mother. "Looks like one of the palace's drawing rooms for when Charlotte received her callers for the first time."

"You went there?" Benedict frowned. "I thought you were with Miss Thompson."

"No. Char and I promenaded one day and we exchanged all details of our day," he explained.

[1] The Princess Royal | B. BridgertonWhere stories live. Discover now