Chapter 5

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Three Brothers. One Princess.

The season's opening ball at Danbury House is most highly sought-after invitation, indeed, for every darling debutante from Park Land to Regent Street will be on display.

Titled, chaste, and innocent, this is what they have been raised and trained for since birth. And may I add, The Princess Royal is most clearly a great example of that.

Tonight we shall discover which young ladies might succeed at securing a match, thereby avoiding the dreadful dismal condition known as 'the spinster'.

Danbury House, London
April 6, 1813

Charlotte hasn't stopped dancing since she arrived. Man after man has asked her to dance, and she felt she could not say no to them. If she was to find a husband, she had to know them better, and she thought dancing was a great opportunity to accomplish just that.

Every young lady had a card, with a limit of dances... But much to her dislike, Charlotte did not. By order of the Queen.

"Your Royal Highness," Benedict's voice made her turn around.

"Your Royal Highness," Colin also approached her. As always, they bowed, and she only nodded politely. "I see you are finally off the dance floor. Your feet must be sore and tired."

"Believe it or not, Mr. Bridgerton, my feet are used to dancing. After all, this is not the first ball I have attended," she chuckled softly. "I have danced with the worst men, of that I assure you."

"Maybe all you need to do is dance with the best there is," he smirked. "Us, Bridgertons."

"It would be an honor," she smiled. "But I must ask, which one shall I dance with first?"

"Allow me the honor," Benedict and Colin said at the same time, making the Princess giggle.

"Oh, do not argue on this. Perhaps I will go from youngest to eldest?" She suggested.

"Sounds fair to me," Colin smiled, and before his brother could say a word, he grabbed her hand and immediately led her to the dance floor.

They bowed before one another as the music started, and they danced. So gracefully. It was surprisingly her first time dancing with Colin, and Charlotte was proud to think she was not disappointing at all.

"I apologize for not telling you sooner, but your grand entrance and yourself were indeed beautiful," he smiled sincerely. "And you look ravishing tonight."

"Oh, you are too kind to me, Mr. Bridgerton," she smiled. "May I say, you look quite handsome tonight as well."

However, during their dance, Charlotte couldn't help, but feel eyes on her. Or more specifically, on Colin. As she turned, she saw Penelope Featherington, staring longingly at Colin. It was clear the girl had feelings for him. Eloise once mentioned she being her closest friend, and also of Colin's.

On the other hand, Colin did not spare a glance at Penelope. He was not being rude, he just didn't notice. He was focused on the Princess he was joyfully dancing with.

Since Charlotte was not worried or interested about courting either of the Bridgerton brothers, she was not worried about ruining or stepping in the possible relationship between Colin and Penelope. In some sort of way, she seemed like a nice and intelligible girl, and only hoped for the best for both of them.

[1] The Princess Royal | B. BridgertonWhere stories live. Discover now