Chapter 10

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My Family

This author has often thought the heart a most curious of instruments, heeding neither reason nor rank. For what possible explanation might Miss Bridgerton have for entertaining the suit of a mere baron when she seems to have secured a Duke? Could the debutante's mind not be the only one thing amiss?

It appears we may have been wrong on which Bridgerton Her Royal Highness has chosen. For she danced with the second and third eldest of the family, and spent the rest of the ball by the side of Lord Anthony Bridgerton.

Let it be known, dear reader, that this bizarre behavior portends yet another scandal, then be sure that I shall uncover it, for there is nothing like an excursion into nature to lift the spirits and loosen the tongue.

Primrose Hill, London

Charlotte arrived on her horse, Snow, with Martin following behind her. She was going slow, while enjoying the cold wind brushing her skin. Today was the day of the grand picnic, where all families would gather in their tents own, and the debutants would promenade around the park.

"Your Royal Highness!" A man exclaimed, making her snap out of her thoughts and comfort. She stopped Snow from going any further and looked around for the man who called her name.

"Oh... Lord Bradford..." She trailed off. "What a nice surprise."

"Allow me to delight you with one of my jokes, Your Royal Highness," he pleaded, and her smile slowly faded. "It seemed like His Royal Highness does not the same humor as you do. You seem to be...more fun!"

"That is kind of you to say, Lord Bradford," she nodded, with a forced smile. In the distance, she saw the Bridgerton's tent. If it was closer, she would have looked at one of them with panic, so they could help and rescue her. But she was alone in this. "I– I don't see anything preventing you from delighting me with your...very pleasant jokes."

"Ah! Thank you, Princess. I'll start. Why was 6 afraid of 7?" He waited for her respond, but since she stayed quiet, he continued the joke with the same excitement. "Because 7 ate 9."

He started laughing uncontrollably, placing his hand on his stomach from the slight pain it caused him. Charlotte only chuckled awkwardly and cleared her throat, just when he was starting to calm down.

"You never cease to amaze me, Lord Bradford," she stated. "But I'm afraid I must be on my way."

"Hold on! Please, Your Royal Highness, I beg for your attention," her eyes grew wide when he abruptly stood in front of her horse, preventing her from galloping away. "There is no better way to win a woman over than being a gentleman, and having a sense of humor."

"Stand aside, Lord Bradford," Martin said firmly from where he was on his own horse. "There is no need to cause unnecessary trouble."

"It is alright, Martin. There is no trouble. But unlike you, Lord Bradford, I'm afraid I lack a bit of sense of humor," she stated calmly. "And move aside. Snow can be pretty...rough, with strangers."

"Oh! My most sincere apologies," he went to pet Snow's head, but Snow moved it before he could, and he yelped, while taking a step back. "One last joke, then."

"Alright," she sighed with a forced smile. "Delight me."

"What's the number 1 cause of divorce?" He asked, and stepped closer to the Princess with a smirk. "Marriage."

[1] The Princess Royal | B. BridgertonWhere stories live. Discover now