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Ni-ki was at Jay's front gate. He pressed the door bell and took a step back.

'This hyung do be damn rich, he already have these maids and is leaving in a big wide mansion looking house.' Ni-ki thought.

Couple of seconds and the gate was opened by a guard.

"May I ask, who are they?"

"I'm Ni-ki, a friend of Jay-hyung."

"Alright, come in." The gate was wide opened for Ni-ki to come in.

Entering the house, he was met with lavishing decorations and baroque chandeliers up the ceiling.

"Riki." A voice was heard from upstairs.

Looking up, the latter saw the owner of this 'mansion' or his hyung.

"Hyung, I'm here."

"Yes, I can see you. Come up now."

"Alright, wait up!" Following the older from upstairs.

"I know my dad's planning on something." Jay immediately said when he saw Ni-ki entering.

"Eh? He said he won't bother til 2 months?"

"Well he might be getting impatient. He sent me a contract."

"Contract? Finally he's giving you your share and at the same time letting you go right?"

"Not that contract."

"Then wha- Ooohhhhh!" The younger realized what contract Jay was talking about.

"I'm pretty sure you would never sign the contract."

"But if I don't, I may not get my share   of money."

"But if you do, you might hurt Jungwon-hyung again and waste your second chance." Ni-ki pointed out to the elder.

"But I'll be using the money for achieveing my mom's dream before she passed away."

"But you have the rights to claim your share since the money came from your deceased mother who both made a will for you and your dad."

"But he is MY dad and I know you know his greediness for money. We both know what he is capable of."

"Ok enough with the but's, I know you would not and would never sign the contract, hyung."

"I mean I can hide it from Jungwon."

"Are you stupid or dumb? Hyung hiding this would make matters worse thus giving Jungwon-hyung a reason to not give you the chance."

"But I badly need the money." Jay sounded like he was pleading.

"Stop with the but's! Choose, Money or Jungwon?"

The question made Jay think for a second.

"See? You not responding means you're going to pick Jungwon."


"Hyung you are over 18! You can get your share according to law!"

"I told you, he can do anything for money. I mean he can even pay the court to not approve my share."

"No one's more superior that the law, even a president."

"Ni-ki where are you getting these informations?" Jay was surely shocked by what the younger was saying about laws.

"I knew we'd fight about this so I came prepared for my defense." Ni-ki casually said just receiving a sigh from the other.

"You know you'd have to come with me to America when I can't prove myself to dad right?"

"Yes and I hate it."

"Me too that's why I need to sign the contract." This answer was exchanged by a 'are you kidding me?' look by the younger.

"Hyung! Sign it or not you still have to go to America! All you need is to prove that you and Jungwon-hyung was always meant to be!"


"Shut up and think of a better way to make your father stop pestering you!"

"Alright, chill why are you so angry about this?"

"I hate avoiding Sunoo!"

"Why are you avoiding him in the first place?"

"I might go to America and I didn't want him to get hurt." The younger's position shrunk.

"And you think avoiding hin would be a good way on reducing his pain?"

"Maybe he would get used to me not being around so that might help."

"Ni-ki, we are not going back to America I assure you." Jay went beside the younger.

"So you are not signing the contract and I can go back to Sunoo-hyung?" The younger's eyes was filled with delightness.

"Yup you can." The older replied making the latter smile very widely.

"Then I'm planning on going to the amusement park with all seven of us."

"Sure, it would be fun. By the way, how's Jungwon doing?"

"He's actually out with Heeseung-hyung."

"Wonder why they're out this Tuesday" Jay stood up and pretended to look at something, trying to keep his composture.

"Because Jungwon's class is finished and probably because Heeseung-hyung likes him." The last words shocked both of them.

Ni-ki quickly covered his mouth and his eyeballs were about to pop. Jay slowly closed the drawer and suspiciously looked at Ni-ki.

"What?" The older slowly approached the latter.

"Nothing." Ni-ki said under his hands while he shakes his head.

A SECOND CHANCE|JAYWONWhere stories live. Discover now